Example sentences of "is hard for [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It is hard for them to find the relevance to their lives of the words that are being used .
2 They know that their children are stronger than them in many ways and it is hard for them to come to terms with that and still keep their dignity and self-respect .
3 It is hard for them to convince the rich countries to make sacrifices on their behalf .
4 All aspects of education are necessary to develop a whole personality and every child has a whole personality , even if it is hard for us to see this at times .
5 For though it is hard for us to credit it now , many people believed that if you travelled faster than — say — 30 miles an hour , you might actually burst and be scattered across the railway lines .
6 It is hard for us to comprehend that thousands of students have roamed and studied on ‘ our ’ campus since long before most of us were born .
7 It is hard for us to understand how these same principles could have been part of the radical political programme of writers as diverse as Cobbett and Gramsci . ’
8 We think that physics is complicated because it is hard for us to understand , and because physics books are full of difficult mathematics .
9 The point is not that we in any way deliberately do down the intelligence of animals — although we do this as well — but that it is hard for us to imagine the workings of forms of intelligence that have evolved to cope with environmental circumstances different from our own .
10 It is hard for us to communicate back to a horse with body language , but we can simulate some of the horse 's actions .
11 A few are ‘ trying out ’ policing by joining the reserves first , although the common view amongst the reserve police is that it is harder for them to transfer to the regulars than it is for someone without experience to sign up straight away because of the greater number of reasons the police authorities are thereby given for turning them down .
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