Example sentences of "is not to say that the " in BNC.

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1 That is not to say that the more traditional tools and methods are not in evidence in his workshop , but , true to form , he feels that the finished work is more important than the means .
2 This is not to say that the English can not absorb or debate French or other foreign ideas .
3 This is not to say that the letters can be left to speak for themselves .
4 However , there are important cases , particularly Senegal and Tanzania , where the tendency towards a national identity has been more important than localism , which is not to say that the conflict has not existed .
5 This is not to say that the National Executive Committee of the ruling party allows Nyerere total control of the party and therefore of government policy ; in fact there have always been a number of important policy issues which Nyerere has had to argue through the NEC and which he has not always won .
6 ‘ That is not to say that the squirearchy is extinct , rather that the squires that survive would not touch politics with a pitchfork . ’
7 This is not to say that the Mexican unions are likely to become revolutionary tools to be used against a capitalist state , but nor are they conservative in supporting the status quo .
8 This is not to say that the procedure employed in studies of discriminative learning will be quite without effect .
9 This is not to say that the overshadowing mechanism is not operating here or to deny that such a mechanism may be responsible in other cases for observed acquired distinctiveness effects .
10 That is not to say that the novels are unstructured , of course .
11 That is not to say that the other less thoroughbred horses do not have their place in the eventing world !
12 This is not to say that the detail is ideal .
13 That is not to say that the trivial name was not without some information on , for example , its origin — formic acid from ants ( formica ) for instance .
14 This is not to say that the one is better than the other , music and poetry are for ever different and it is the difference that accords us the added joy .
15 This is not to say that the researcher simply becomes the handmaid of the practitioner ; it is merely that the researcher who is not prepared to learn from the practitioner is arrogant and lacking in insight .
16 All this is not to say that The World in Space lacks value .
17 ‘ The role of SSSI is not to say that the rest of the countryside does n't matter , but show up areas which should be preserved at all costs . ’
18 This is not to say that the range of powers thus exercised need be comprehensive .
19 This is not to say that the simplistic socialist argument — that all would be well if only Labour stood up for its class interests with the same vigour that the Tories stand up for theirs — is correct .
20 This is not to say that the position is wrong but only that it is arguable , or in other words , open to conceptual evaluation .
21 This is not to say that the world dictates the pattern for the Church to adopt , but to point out that the Church must be constantly examining itself to ensure that it is remaining true to the gospel and that the only barrier is the inescapable offence of the atoning message of the cross which stands at the centre of that gospel .
22 This is not to say that the Piaroa have formed a totally peaceful society , and I have written elsewhere ( 1986a ) on their discourse of predation , cannibalism , and revenge .
23 To point out that complaining often functions as a self-defence is not to say that the complaint is invalid .
24 This is not to say that the policy-making is wrong or misplaced , but rather to make clear that our questioning of research and evidence is not always simple or effective .
25 This is not to say that the emergence of more popularly-orientated styles of activity expressed a displacement of sectarian religious feeling but antislavery none the less did become an important channel for religious feeling which looked to a broader moral enhancement of English society and in turn that had to involve the full-hearted commitment of a myriad of individuals and groups .
26 This is not to say that the ‘ generalists ’ ( with whom I would number myself ) are sceptical of scholarly writing and research .
27 Thus a 10-month-old baby who failed to respond to its name , or to betray signs of recognition towards its mother , twin sister , or even its rattle , might well give therapists cause for concern ; which is not to say that the normal baby , who does succeed in reacting appropriately , is thereby yet self -conscious .
28 This is not to say that the USSR has not sought political dividends from economic ties .
29 This is not to say that the regulating authorities should intrude into the investigation process or seek to influence or to duplicate it .
30 Closing the perceived gap between the UK and the US and Japan , which are believed to be three years ahead , is another aim — though that is not to say that the UK is trailing in all areas .
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