Example sentences of "is [prep] this sense that " in BNC.

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1 It is in this sense that EMU would tear the heart out of national parliaments .
2 It is in this sense that we can speak of Prussian hegemony : her economic strength , her size population and political weight inevitably resulted in putting a Prussian stamp on the new Germany .
3 It is in this sense that the former has a greater valency and so constitutes a better learning investment .
4 It is in this sense that language use can be regarded as essentially a matter of the negotiation of meaning .
5 Instead of being an act of service , making money and owning things can become purely selfish activities ; and it is in this sense that our Lord issues the warning that ‘ you can not serve both God and Mammon , and tells the story of the very prosperous farmer who is destroyed by his self-indulgence .
6 It is in this sense that the criticism in the above paragraph has its substance .
7 It is in this sense that memory is a consequence of the continuously modified record of experience ( p. 100 ) rather than a separate function .
8 It is in this sense that lawyers are conceptive ideologists .
9 It is in this sense that lawyers can also justly be characterised as the organic intellectuals of the bourgeoisie ( Gramsci 1971 , pp. 5–23 ) , thinking the class 's advance through a close institutional relationship with its day-to-day practical concerns .
10 For each of these divisions we would find inequalities of outcome and it is in this sense that one can assert that we have failed to achieve equality of opportunity in England .
11 It is in this sense that Derrida argues that Husserl 's Origin of Geometry sets up ‘ the possibility of history as the possibility of language ’ whereby ‘ difference would be transcendental ’ : writing , in the general significance which Derrida gives it of a differential marking , must be the condition of any historicity .
12 It is in this sense that the claims that we have been examining concerning the consequences of literacy are ‘ ideological ’ .
13 It is in this sense that Greece represents ‘ the prime historical example of the transition to a really literate society ’ .
14 It is in this sense that a system of majority decision-taking , rather than any particular decision , can be said to be based on consent .
15 It is in this sense that statistics may be an elaborate way of demonstrating the obvious .
16 In another case it will mean that the writer creates his own special kind of language : and it is in this sense that Halliday applies it to the Neanderthal language of The Inheritors .
17 It is in this sense that there will always be something to play for .
18 It is in this sense that one can argue that our consciousness of the world is consciousness of the symbols we use .
19 It is in this sense that higher education can be said to institutionalize not the structures of knowledge , but the experience of uncertainty .
20 It is in this sense that Nizan 's revolutionary literature demands a great deal from the reader .
21 It is in this sense that we can speak of students forming their own ideas .
22 ( It is in this sense that protein synthesis is often , though somewhat misleadingly , said to be ‘ directed ’ by the genes . )
23 Schizophrenic speech provides a metaphor for metaphor , and it is in this sense that its use in Out may be understood , not as a valorization of the psychotic condition but as a literalization of the figure .
24 This last procedure , ‘ the exploitation of formal resemblance to establish connections of meaning ’ , Culler characterizes as ‘ the basic activity of literature ’ ( 1988:4 ) , and it is in this sense that the pun can be seen as a cognitive model which accounts for the ‘ literariness ’ of even the most rigorous forms of language use .
25 It is in this sense that we can say that every organisation is political and every organisation is concerned with the use , and abuse , of power .
26 It is in this sense that the scientific management approach and that of the Human Relations school that we discussed in earlier chapters are both managerialist in that increased efficiency of the organisation is the context for both approaches .
27 It is in this sense that Marx distinguished , initially in his ‘ Contribution to a Critique of Hegel 's Philosophy of Right ’ ( 1844 ) , between ‘ a partial , merely political revolution which leaves the pillars of the building standing ’ , and a social revolution ; thereby changing the whole concept of revolution , as Max Adler ( 1928 ) later argued , ‘ from the merely political idea of the transformation of the state , into the social concept of an economic change in the bases of society ’ .
28 It is because , if mania represents an overcoming of the lost primal mother by means of triumphant substitution of the son for the mother , then megalomania represents , not only a denial of the passive love of the father ( I do not love him , I love myself ) , but also an unconscious identification and fusion with him ( it is in this sense that our manic autobiography above can claim that ‘ in a sense I am God ’ , etc . ) .
29 It is in this sense that monopoly is said to be economically inefficient , and to misallocate resources through the restriction of output .
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