Example sentences of "it leads [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It leads to automatic defensiveness , a syndrome by which the unions are always wrong , the customers — despite your attempts to appease them — are unreasonable and the people " up there " do n't understand .
2 In local situations it leads to mutual respect between generations and among different sectors and levels of society .
3 Military expenditure is dysfunctional for the domestic economy in the long term because it leads to low investment , lowers overall growth performance and encourages high unemployment and balance of payments problems .
4 With increasing use , it leads to emotional instability and feelings of paranoia .
5 At roughly the same time Terence said , ‘ Another objection to Christianity is that it leads to passive acceptance of social inequalities because the real rewards are in … ’
6 Because teachers are , on the whole , expected to have quiet , orderly classrooms they will be most likely to regard mathematics as relevant if it leads to good behaviour .
7 It 's surprisingly wild in its upper reaches where it leads to Threshthwaite Mouth — one of the most distinctive though seldom used passes in the Lake District .
8 It leads to sexual harassment , you see .
9 It leads to opaque government , where parties engage in horsetrading .
10 Many distributions show a peak in a particular age group mainly associated with taking on a large number of young people when the organisation was started or reorganised , this is not desirable because it leads to excessive competition for promotion at particular stages .
11 Similarly , the notion of social development through increasing differentiation and individuation has had a considerable place in later sociological theories , although its political implications have been judged in diverse ways ; from one aspect social differentiation may be seen as creating a mutual dependence of individuals and groups which is a fundamental element in a stable democratic system , while from another aspect ( as in Durkheim 's theory ) it may be regarded as a danger to the political order if it leads to excessive individualism , and then needs to be checked by a moral consensus embodied in the state .
12 This is to make a useful methodological standpoint within sociology into a dogmatic philosophy of history , and it leads to intellectual confusion , ethical relativism and nihilism by allowing no role to rational scientific work .
13 On the one hand , it leads to socialist unionism and the politics of class envy .
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