Example sentences of "it 's be [num] of " in BNC.

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1 It 's been one of the success stories of the last few years , managing to get through the culture barrier where the local authority thought a small unit was 15 or 20 people working down and the health service thought a small unit was 120 and worked down with great reluctance .
2 It 's been one of those days , has n't it , Robyn ? ’ he murmured evenly .
3 Er it 's been one of my hopes that we might be able to get er a small youth section or youth committee coming er from amongst these people .
4 It 's been one of the best harvests for years .
5 ‘ In fact , it 's been one of the most exciting things that I 've worked on and it 's certainly changed my career . ’
6 Speaking from the society 's headquarters in Edinburgh , superintendent Ron Grant — a former shepherd — summed the situation up : ‘ It 's been one of the worst winters in the west Highlands for many years and for once it 's not been snow but rather rain which has caused the problems .
7 There 's a tremendous er community of purpose amongst the groups , we 've very much enjoyed working together , it 's been one of the most fun things I 've done in politics , er and I think that all the other young people on the committee agree .
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