Example sentences of "it 's [adv] a lot " in BNC.

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1 I , too , think it 's rather a lot of money . ’
2 Cos otherwise it 's rather a lot to eat for one person .
3 But can I suggest it 's probably a lot more difficult to get there than you were describing even with the various points that you were raising in your address this morning , because I wonder if it is fair for all of us , to accept the immediate linkage between the voluntary sector whatever we actually mean by that , and good community institutions , community thinking , community awareness .
4 It 's not a lot to go on . ’
5 It 's not a lot of use is it really ?
6 I imagine we 've got at least an hour before any more humans come , and it 's not a lot different to a truck . ’
7 It 's a class-based thing , the terrorism , it 's not a lot to do with people like us , but I think you 're underestimating them .
8 Now , I know a sum of money of nearly twenty thousand may not seem a lot of money in total , it 's not a lot of money in terms of , it can be quite a large sum in terms of doing things with economic development .
9 She has put she 's put herself down for one day at the end of her accounts to learn about accountancy and as Ian pointed out , it 's it 's it 's not a lot .
10 And I calculate that the average change over the whole length of the A sixty one is a little lower at twenty seven percent , it 's not a lot though , it 's a little lower at twenty seven percent .
11 The on the only thing is sometimes if you a if you ask some of these people to do these things I know it 's not a lot of responsibility but do you reckon it goes to his head ?
12 So it 's not a lot of lot of bother the only thing is that i you got ta drive in town rather than drive on country lanes to get to the main roads little bit more dangerous as far as getting caught is concerned ha !
13 Mind you , it 's not a lot of money for Whitbread .
14 Well it 's not a lot it 's only really the length which is different is n't it ?
15 I know it 's not a lot of help but erm
16 It 's not a lot further than Gatwick but in the other direction .
17 Yeah , but it 's not a lot more .
18 My father will go to the cash and carry every week , and perhaps he 'll pop into into Tesco 's or something and get a few bits and pieces , so we got a lot in the fridge , but it 's not a lot of variety .
19 It 's just a lot more difficult for a man to admit he 's been hurt by another man .
20 Erm , and it 's by appointment , because it 's just a lot easier ,
21 Well , that 's , that 's what we 're doing , but I mean , it 's just a lot of its wasted as there is just one little bit on the second page that is a continuation of the client contact .
22 It 's also a lot harder to be a rhythm player than it is a solo player , because anyone can make their fingers move really fast and play shitty solos .
23 Presumably it 's also a lot to do with isolation , a lot to do with the fact that there was no one to talk to about the sexual experiences you were having and the only surrounding attitude was one of , ‘ This is something which should n't happen ’ , whereas the situation when I had my first sexual experience was one where I knew other people who were gay whom I could talk to .
24 It 's even a lot of money I think compared with the what is it , one point four million pounds that is transferred th through the youth and community budget into the Highfields area and that itself is a lot of money when people recognise that we are actually spending the equivalent of one tenth of the total county youth and community budget in one area of the county .
25 It 's next door to my old middle school , it 's where a lot of my friends went .
26 But that 's my point , you see — it 's always a lot easier to see other people 's faults than your own .
27 When one goes , it 's quite a lot of money and you feel it .
28 I know it 's quite a lot .
29 It is , yeah , something like that , I it 's quite a lot of money though .
30 Then , it 's quite a lot to happen , is n't it ?
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