Example sentences of "it was widely [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The need for war , then , was fairly generally accepted , although it was widely recognized that it brought destruction and death .
2 The final total was 606 , scored in only ten hours of excellent batsmanship , although it was widely felt that the England selectors had helped them along by omitting Foster and playing two spinners , Cook and Miller , on a pitch of low bounce .
3 Certainly , in the mid-nineteenth century it was widely felt that life in the previous century had been greatly superior and that the increase in juvenile crime was a blot on this age .
4 It was widely felt that smaller firms offered a better service for nationally-based positions .
5 While it was widely felt that CPA formalised good practice , some respondents said it included too many patients , impinged on clinical judgement , and required more resources to implement properly .
6 Nevertheless , on the other hand it was widely felt that the system itself denied young people opportunities and circumstances in which they could have control over their own lives and education .
7 It was widely felt that the police were failing to take adequate measures to check the growth in crime and violence , and on May 12 , following a meeting with representatives of the Romany community , Havel criticized the Czech Ministry of the Interior for handling the situation badly .
8 As one of Isomura 's strongest supporters , it was widely felt that Ozawa 's position could become untenable in the event of Isomura 's defeat on April 7 .
9 It was widely felt that Théodore , a bitter critic of Aristide who wished severely to restrict his future powers , was not guaranteed to be acceptable to the army or business sectors which were not expected easily to drop their opposition to Aristide 's return .
10 It was widely felt that Kohl should have visited both this site and other scenes where anti-foreigner and anti-Semitic attacks had taken place .
11 The report of the Third Committee that dealt with the topic , Population and the Family , for instance , while noting that " high infant mortality was especially recognized as a deterrent to fertility decline " and , consequently , two recommendations to this effect were adopted by the World Population Plan of Action , also mentioned that " It was widely acknowledged that the ability to determine the number and spacing of children influences family well-being , partly because of the effect upon the health of both mothers and children . "
12 Following the decision to commit US ground-based forces , estimates as to the numbers which might ultimately be deployed rose quickly and , on Aug. 10 , it was widely leaked that the administration had adopted a " contingency plan " involving the use of 250,000 ground troops should full-scale fighting break out with Iraq .
13 When Paul Devereux took over The Ley Hunter in 1976 , it was widely assumed that some form of energy existed at ancient sites , but there had been virtually no research to back these ideas up .
14 It was widely assumed that motion pictures would be sexually suggestive and probably explicit , the whole tone seemed secular and irresponsible , and few doubted that children and the weak-minded were being pointed towards crime and degeneracy .
15 It was widely assumed that the pattern of administration in the new NHS hospital would follow that at the County , the voluntary hospital .
16 It was widely assumed that China , with her vast size and resources , would be the victor , and that the status quo in East Asia would remain unchanged .
17 It was widely assumed that the assailants had mistakenly believed their victims to be of Korean extraction , and that the assault was connected to a black boycott of two Korean-American grocery shops in the Flatbush area of Brooklyn .
18 Wingti 's position was improved by the defection to his government of a further six MPs , but it was widely assumed that some of those not rewarded with Cabinet office were unlikely to remain permanently within the government coalition .
19 IT was widely assumed that Sir Lawrie Barratt was working for nothing when he re-took the reins of his housebuilding empire last summer .
20 The law was welcomed by leading Soviet journalists , but it was widely assessed that true press freedom would only be achieved when state control of paper production and of distribution and ownership of print works was ended .
21 It was widely noted that Bush 's euphoric statements proclaiming the transformation of Europe contrasted sharply with Havel 's sombre assessment of Czechoslovakia 's progress in the past year .
22 Although the LTTE denied involvement in the assassination , it was widely noted that they had a strong motive , believing that Gandhi had betrayed them in 1987 when he dispatched the Indian army in an unsuccessful effort to bring Sri Lanka 's civil strife under control [ see p. 35313 ] .
23 This time it was widely recognised that a change in policy was necessary if it was to be achieved .
24 It was widely recognised that the magic of the goddess dwelt more in the reality of her flesh than in her garments , ’ says the Encyclopedia Of Women 's Myths And Secrets , ‘ since creation was a function of the female body .
25 The two drivers were later charged with dangerous driving , but it was widely suspected that they had been acting on orders .
26 It was widely suspected that the Tucayana had links with the military and had been involved with anti-insurgency operations against the Jungle Commandos and that they feared the establishment of a police force for the interior composed mainly of former Jungle Commando members .
27 Nevertheless , it was widely suspected that Thomas 's race was an important consideration in his nomination , for not only was it politically expedient to maintain a black representative on the Supreme Court , but to have secured confirmation from the Democrat-controlled Senate for a white male conservative would have been almost impossible .
28 Although Keating , as Treasurer , was responsible for much of the current economic position — it was widely accepted that in 1987 he had allowed the economy to overheat , and had been forced to use high interest rates to cool it , thereby exacerbating the impact of the world recession — he was also widely perceived as the only Cabinet member with the experience and stature to provide an alternative to the leadership of Hawke .
29 Not only throughout Britain , but in many parts of Europe and in the New World , it was widely accepted that if a person succeeded in erecting a dwelling on common or waste land between sunset and sunrise and lighting a fire in it he could not lawfully be dispossessed .
30 While it was widely accepted that by the end of the month few visible signs of the disaster remained , environmentalists warned against deceptive appearances and claimed that marine life could be affected for years to come .
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