Example sentences of "it is clear that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that for Marx the ‘ discovery ’ of the gens was probably the most important of Morgan 's contribution to anthropology .
2 It is clear that for Locke the perception model of faith created an unsatisfactory barrier between those with faith and those without .
3 Again , as with Ichthus , we see that the training of leaders is written into the church planting strategy , and it is clear that for churches to grow they need to invest in more leaders .
4 This suggests why , contrary to the way in which certain commentators tend to represent them , it is clear that for Foucault , as for Lyotard or Derrida , total fragmentation would be as counter-productive — and as impossible — as total synthesis .
5 It is clear that for a girl to have any chance of succeeding , she must play the Tour in some style .
6 It is clear that for the banking sector as a whole , foreign currency business predominates .
7 Confining ourselves to the obvious , it is clear that for paragraph ( a ) to apply the seller must be in breach of contract .
8 It is clear that for Roy at any rate his philosophy for life is one that works for him .
9 It is clear that at a meeting on July 4 between Lord Young and BAe , discussions included various tax benefits for Rover , to be achieved through the removal of the ring fence on tax losses and sympathetic revenue treatment .
10 Gandhi indeed could count on the British conscience for his personal safety , but he could never count on it for political concessions — and it is clear that at some level he understood this .
11 With hindsight , it is clear that at the time we did not fully grasp the real significance of the workers ' position .
12 When you realise that 90 are now considered a reasonable number , it is clear that at least one thing has not changed for the better .
13 In the light of the preceding discussion it is necessary to consider the methodology of comparative industrial relations more fully since it is clear that to be of value the studies need to be appropriately designed and the cases to be compared require careful selection .
14 It is clear that to the ancient Egyptian death was not the end that there was thought to be life after death , for which certain provisions and preparations had to be made .
15 Though Labour joined with the Conservatives in May 1940 to fight the Second World War , under Churchill 's leadership , it is clear that despite the almost obsessive concern of the public about the threat of European fascism it was only the Labour Party , slow and cumbersome in its rate of change , which actually squared up to the necessity of facing fascism with military sanctions if necessary .
16 It is clear that despite the package of protective designations and institutions created since 1945 , there has been a net decline in the quality of the Welsh countryside and the wider environment for the reasons given .
17 It is clear that despite the continuing success and positive feedback from the Programme the difficulties of organisation hinder a much better sharing between the Regions .
18 Yet it is clear that despite this apparent failure of cooperation , we try to interpret B's utterance as nevertheless cooperative at some deeper ( non-superficial ) level .
19 Where these problems are absent there appears to be little that a reasonably fit older person can not do with an efficiency equivalent to a high proportion of younger workers ( see Stones and Kozma , 1985 for a good survey of research findings in this field ) : ‘ It is clear that as a piece of anatomical and physiological machinery , the human organism becomes progressively impaired from the late twenties onwards .
20 If this principle is applied to the situation in Figure 9.6 then it is clear that as the parcel 's distance from the spin axis decreases then the speed of the parcel around the spin axis must increase .
21 It is clear that as a matter of prudent management in a firm of any size one of the partners or a senior member of staff should be given overall responsibility for ensuring that all partners and employed solicitors ( whether or not held out as partners ) comply with these basic requirements of professional practice ( by keeping a check on replacement and renewal dates , collating relevant statistical information , ensuring timeous completion and posting of applications , etc ) and that the firm is spared the embarrassment of financial penalties or , even worse , an unwanted dissolution .
22 But , more important , it is clear that on the most important matter of clerical celibacy , there was no body of support to justify Anselm 's optimism about a rapid victory .
23 It is clear that on the Conservative side , before defeat in the 1964 General Election , Edward Boyle was attracted to a binary solution and in March of that year put a paper on it to a Cabinet committee .
24 Indeed , since this trauma was the origin of all later stages of cultural evolution for the race as a whole and is now the culminating phase of childhood development , it is clear that on this phase more than any other the whole mental health and normality not only of the individual , but of the society , depends .
25 Independently of whether such arguments have any bearing on the duration of sympatry between cuckoos and magpies , it is clear that with the larger sample sizes of our data , many of the trends oppose those claimed by Soler and Möller .
26 The Data Discman , as it was originally called , is described in detail in chapter 3 but it is clear that with upgraded devices now being launched by Sony and a multimedia player in the wings , Sony 's handheld platform will be the basis of a new generation of powerful electronic book players .
27 Taking the second case first , it is clear that under section 8(2) the driver , in order that he may decide whether or not to claim that the breath specimen be replaced , should be fully informed of the nature of the option open to him and what will be involved if he exercises it .
28 It is clear that under a system of well-conceived planning the resolution of competing claims and the allocation of land for the various requirements must proceed on the basis of selecting the most suitable land for the particular purpose , irrespective of the existing values which may attach to the individual parcels of land .
29 These do require a certain degree of inference , but it is clear that under some conditions such remains can suggest the name of a sponsor , the reason for sponsorship , and the presence of a respected craftsmen or group of craftsmen At Avenches — and probably at Bavay — in France , and at Seriana and Timgad in North Africa , the names of individual craftsmen are attested ( although , as is shown by the inscription from Timgad , even differing ideas of the practice in which the craftsman was involved are apparent ) .
30 It is clear that under the Taxes Act benefits received by persons which cause income tax liabilities to arise are of two different types .
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