Example sentences of "it was argued that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Second , it was argued that a range of local services in the catchment areas of the two chosen hospitals would have to be created before any rundown programme was agreed .
2 It was argued that a lengthy period within a mental hospital could itself produce symptoms of social disorientation , apathy , loss of initiative and so on , which amounted to institutional neurosis , an illness that could persist long after the original illness had cleared up .
3 It was argued that a breach of natural justice at the original hearing conducted by racing stewards could not be cured by an appeal to a committee of the Australian Jockey Club since there would be nothing to appeal against , the first decision being a nullity .
4 It was argued that a solicitor affected by this could be represented by another solicitor after exchange of contract , so that that other solicitor could give the report on title to the lender and receive the mortgage advance .
5 It was argued that a Parliament full of men of wealth and property was unlikely to view industry , trade , and agriculture from the point of view of the laboring classes .
6 In Wallshire Ltd v Aarons [ 1989 ] 1 EGLR 147 , it was argued that a surveyor conducting a rent review as an expert should have looked at more evidence of comparable lettings .
7 It was argued that the pattern in other countries was that laws permitting divorce followed social trends in the numbers of marriage breakdowns rather than vice versa and that the fears of societal breakdown promoted by opponents in Ireland were unfounded in fact .
8 It was argued that the sensationalizing of relatively minor forms of rowdyism invented hooliganism as a ‘ social problem ’ .
9 For Mrs Bujok it was argued that the 1936 Act was designed to secure in the interests of the community at large that statutory nuisances did not exist .
10 The European Convention on Human Rights With the challenge to the extra-legal procedures having failed in the English courts , the matter was referred to Strasburg where it was argued that the British practice violated Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights which provides that everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life , his home , and his correspondence .
11 Thirdly , it was argued that the use of the phrase ‘ national security ’ was ‘ especially appropriate ’ because of the parallel with the European Convention on Human Rights which this measure was designed to implement .
12 Using practical suggestions for network treatment , it was argued that the Verkehrsberuhigung is not just a treatment of isolated streets but must be area-wide in nature .
13 Finally , it was argued that the Special Commissioner had erred in ruling that the evidence of a former deputy head of the Revenue 's Enquiry Branch was inadmissible .
14 It was argued that the government 's policy towards Austin Rover could be viewed as an attempt to slim down the company through rationalisation and privatise parts as they became profitable ( eg Jaguar ) , finishing up with an unprofitable rump which had very little chance of long-term viability on its own .
15 At one cemetery all of the wood for the boards was alder , and it was argued that the boards were of multi-ply construction because of the various directions of grain represented .
16 Also , it was argued that the ‘ relaxation ’ of the criminal process for juveniles in practice often means simply the abandonment of the safeguards guaranteed by the ‘ due process ’ of law , and a slipshod approach to , for example , the vital matter of guilt determination .
17 Thus it was argued that the non-market methods of control were discriminatory , limited in their application , and somewhat clumsy as instruments , producing distortions and inequities within the financial system .
18 Even if the workers themselves made no contribution to the scheme it was argued that the cost of family allowance schemes to the employers would be used by them as an excuse to reduce wages or at least hold back wage increases or to put up prices .
19 Looking at foreign experience , as the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry had also done , it was argued that the trade unions were weak in countries with family allowances and strong in countries without them .
20 Again it was argued that the poor should not have to pay for their own ‘ welfare ’ out of hard-earned incomes .
21 On the other hand , it was argued that the infliction of capital punishment was degrading to the public and that there was no real evidence of its deterrent effect .
22 It was argued that the Tin Council entered into the transactions with third parties as agent acting on behalf of the member States as undisclosed principal .
23 Finally , it was argued that the discrimination against West Belfast also extended to the banks as they were slow to provide loans to local business .
24 In response , it was argued that the denigration of the role of trade unions was part of the Thatcher ethos of focusing on the individual rather than the collective .
25 It was argued that the King might intervene either to persuade Asquith to call an election or to refuse his assent to Home Rule until there had been one ; this was certainly within the theoretical Royal Prerogative , for the King had an undoubted right to advise his ministers and — by the Unionist argument at least — his power of veto had been necessarily restored by the removal of the powers of the Lords .
26 Some of the Report 's data were criticized , and it was argued that the specific social effects of closures were not fully appreciated even if some of the wider social and economic repercussions had been noted .
27 It was argued that the non-commodity producing sector of the economy ( ‘ non-marketable ’ in Bacon and Eltis ' terms ) and the public services sector in particular , was pre-empting resources from private commodity production , and the manufacturing sector in particular .
28 This myth was later popularized by Martínez Mariana 's Teoría de las Cortes , where it was argued that the destruction of medieval Cortes by the Hapsburgs , a destruction completed by the suppression of the comunero rebellion of Padilla ( 1520 ) , was the necessary prelude to three hundred years of ‘ slavery and despotism ’ .
29 It was argued that the logical situation permits the establishment of the falsity but not of the truth of theories in the light of available observation statements .
30 It was argued that the sentencer has failed to give weight to the effect on the appellant 's wife and child if he were deported , and that his good behaviour while on bail indicated that he was not a threat to the country if he remained .
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