Example sentences of "it was reported that the " in BNC.

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1 It was reported that the first four days of the war had cost Britain £100m in ammunition and lost equipment .
2 At a meeting on 1 April ( Stone , Gretton , Penn , Topham , Vial , Huntingford ) it was reported that the Master of the Horse had declined ‘ as such ’ being president .
3 When a purpose-designed cap was brought in to replace the humble condom , it was reported that the mine-laying frogmen were less than happy , having regarded the prior item as something of a ‘ perk ’ of the job .
4 It was reported that the association will be sharing in the Alresford Eurofest Celebration Day in July .
5 It was reported that the couple had made love for real , and that the scene had to be drastically cut by the censors .
6 It was reported that the judge specifically ordered that the girl should not be named .
7 Next it was reported that The Harbour had sold , for £250 to an Eastbourne hotel which planned to hang it in its ballroom .
8 In September 1989 , it was reported that the Home Secretary had begun a series of private discussions with public officials including the Lord Chancellor , the Lord Chief Justice ( who had hitherto been reluctant to participate in such discussions lest they were seen as prejudicing judicial independence ) and the senior Lord Justice of Appeal .
9 In June 1990 , it was reported that the Home Secretary was seeking a compromise with the judges on the proposals to limit custodial sentences .
10 It was reported that the dinucleotide-based roll angle value of GC step is one of the smallest found in all dinucleotides ( 1,6 ) .
11 By 1856 his results were impressive enough to be shown by Brewster to the Académie des Sciences in Paris , and later in Florence and Rome , where it was reported that the pope showed considerable interest in them .
12 Tennis Courts It was reported that the tennis courts should come into the ownership of the District Council at the beginning of July .
13 Rifle Club It was reported that the rifle club had again had a successful season and had taken part in a few Game Fairs and National Competitions .
14 It was reported that the iron bar erected at the Lanark Road end of the road leading down to the site had been removed .
15 Tennis Courts It was reported that the tennis courts should come into the ownership of the District Council at the beginning of July .
16 Rifle Club It was reported that the rifle club had again had a successful season and had taken part in a few Game Fairs and National Competitions .
17 The first skirmish over the national security issue came at a closed hearing on Jan. 11 when it was reported that the prosecution had accused the lawyer of one of Noriega 's co-defendants of improperly disclosing classified information when making an earlier request for access to National Security Council records .
18 The remaining Panguna employees were later evacuated by road , and it was reported that the PNG Army was retreating from the countryside in order to concentrate upon defending the island 's towns .
19 In early March 1989 it was reported that the UK , Italy , Netherlands and Spain had agreed to study costings for a joint army Light Attack Helicopter ( LAH ) project ; a Franco-German joint project had been under way since late 1987 ( see p. 35665 ) .
20 On Feb. 14 it was reported that the three most senior Tadjik leaders had all offered their resignations at a meeting with the unofficial Vaadad ( " Unity " ) People 's Committee , formed shortly after the outbreak of the Dushanbe violence and uniting government representatives and activists from the Popular Front-style Rastokhez ( " Revival " ) organization .
21 It was reported that the aid , worth $15,000,000 , would be used for housing construction , irrigation and road-building projects in the Vientiane prefecture .
22 It was reported that the agreement covered missile systems , light armoured vehicles and sea surveillance aircraft .
23 At the end of August an indefinite freeze was placed on the repatriation of foreign companies ' profits and dividends ; however , in September the rules were relaxed to allow transfer of normal profits after 60 days , and in November it was reported that the freeze was to be lifted under pressure from international corporations .
24 In March 1990 it was reported that the target of a 6 per cent growth rate for 1989 had been reached and that inflation was falling .
25 However , it was reported that the UK delegation had raised the possibility of a relaxation of economic sanctions imposed against China after the Tiananmen Square massacre .
26 On July 17 it was reported that the Democratic Platform co-ordinating council had decided to recommend that its supporters should begin leaving the party after all .
27 In February , however , it was reported that the group would not after all be allowed to become permanent residents because of doubts about their dissident credentials .
28 After the talks ended , it was reported that the USA was considering a Philippines proposal for it to leave Clark Air Base and the four smaller installations by September 1991 , but to withdraw only gradually from Subic Bay , over a period of 10-12 years .
29 On Feb. 16 , 1990 , it was reported that the Council of Ministers had earlier in the month made moves to abolish martial law regulations enacted originally during the 1958-61 period of Syrian-Egyptian unity [ see pp. 16005 ; 18437-40 ] .
30 In mid-November it was reported that the country 's First Deputy Chairman of the Council of State ( Vice-President ) and Minister for the Armed Forces , Col. Iafai Camara , had been placed under house arrest , accused of supplying arms to Senegalese separatists .
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