Example sentences of "it was further [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 It was further decided that such watching and besetting might be a nuisance at common law and illegal on that ground also .
2 It was further revealed that after their arrest the Clarkes had been prevented from seeing a lawyer for two days .
3 It was further confirmed that while members of ASMT had been rightly involved in the process of planning the 93/94 visits via Plan requests etc. , ASMT meetings as such were not the place to negotiate details of the programme .
4 It was further understood that any arrangement with Britain would not preclude separate American talks with the French or the Canadians .
5 It was further noted that when asked , either directly or indirectly , to provide further information , young school-aged children proved poor at responding .
6 It was further felt that in some cases the lowest tender tended to gain the contract at the expense of better quality work because of the financial restrictions the Housing Executive Board have allowed to be placed on them .
7 It was further assumed that passive negative sentences were constructed by the application of two transformational rules ( passive and negative ) .
8 It was further argued that Australian citizens , like British citizens , can not bring claims against their government for violation of Australia 's international obligations .
9 It was further said that the reason for limiting the application of subsection ( 2 ) to those third parties who are knowingly concerned in the contravention is that an order addressed directly to a third party ( as opposed to the contravener acting by his servants or agents ) would only be necessary where the third party had an interest of his own in the subject-matter of the order .
10 It was further recognised that project-related work in the library also brought benefits in terms of teacher/pupil interaction and support : you have the opportunity to get closer to them as well … to help them better because you can go round small groups and talk at length while others are getting on with something that you know they are interested in .
11 It was further stated that such an assessment was ‘ first and foremost ’ a matter for the Council , and that the obligation to abolish restrictions on movements of capital could not be separated from the Council 's assessment of the need to liberalize the category of transactions in question .
12 It was further agreed that a three-year course would be too expensive , especially as entrants might have served a part or the whole of a long apprenticeship beforehand .
13 It was further agreed that their structure , and the basis on which we conducted them , was a sensible way of covering all the questions which are at issue .
14 In the bargaining to settle this question , it was further agreed that France would support London as the location for the new European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , while the UK would support the French nominee for director [ see pp. 37465-66 for signing of EBRD charter ] .
15 It was further agreed that Joe McGhee be asked to write to the association of Chaplains to invite them to send a representative .
16 It was further recommended that Okinawa be retained and that whatever was needed by way of other facilities should be obtained in the Ryukyus .
17 It was further established that Bacon had purchased some arsenic from a shop in Red Lion Square only days before , allegedly to kill rats .
18 It was further claimed that the wage determination mechanism conducted on this basis gave a strong impetus to inflation .
19 It was further alleged that some complainants were shadowed , intimidated and , even , assaulted while going about their daily affairs ( Out of Court , BBC 2 , 4 March 1987 ) .
20 It was further suggested that , in the fullness of time , Woosnam had it in him to be rated among the all-time greats .
21 It was further suggested that there were considerable regional contrasts with some local authorities close to achieving their requirements and others seriously lacking in their provision of adult training facilities .
22 It was further suggested that the principal value of the new statement might be for reference purposes rather than for wide circulation .
23 It was further resolved that the new master and matron should be man and wife , at a joint salary of £80 per annum , with board and lodging in addition .
24 After discussion , this was agreed and it was further resolved that this meeting be treated as an interim one and that a full AGM be held in March 1990 and annually thereafter .
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