Example sentences of "it is hard for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , it is certainly true that it is harder for specialist literature in German to be accepted .
2 It is hard for parents to keep faith through lean years , and harder still for the boys , particularly if doubts and pressures filter through to them .
3 It is hard for universities to gauge how successful their graduates are in finding work .
4 In open , borderless capital markets , it is hard for borrowing costs to diverge very far .
5 ‘ Many spend two years in the sixth form and get nothing at all , and it is hard for people who get a low grade at A-level to realise they have actually done very well . ’
6 In addition it is hard for people who are becoming bitter and negative to see what is happening to themselves without incurring further guilt or self-dislike .
7 Freestyle is a multi-faceted sport in a multinational environment — unless you have been there and experienced it yourself it is hard for people to understand the very special experience you gain . ’
8 It is hard for people fleeing from oppression to explain everything that has happened .
9 It is hard for science to verify such an idea as it is beyond its scope to understand certain aspects of the unborn personality .
10 It is hard for parishes to know what exactly they can do for the unemployed .
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