Example sentences of "it is possible [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to hypothesise that if the District had surrendered its providing powers under the rural areas scheme , the weakened position of WEA Districts elsewhere in the country might have tilted provision for liberal adult education decisively towards university control in conjunction with LEAs .
2 Indeed , it is possible to argue that St Teresa 's mystical ecstasies are themselves something entirely new in the spiritual life of Europe …
3 It is not that prospects for earnings are 10 p.c. better that they were in the middle of last week , but it is possible to argue that prospects are that much better than they would have been under a Labour government and that the market was discounting such a result .
4 It is possible to argue that certain sections could , with advantage , have been expanded to stress the more chemical aspects of topics — eg the section of enzymes ‘ in reverse ’ ( why not refer to this as synthesis ? ) touches on an area of great value and which is increasingly used industrially .
5 It notes that it is possible to argue that societies ' liquid assets are mostly fixed , mostly current or neither fixed nor current !
6 Just as schools have been accused of creating pupils with learning difficulties , it is possible to argue that schools create disruptive pupils .
7 It is possible to argue that the research of Rowe and Lambert was influential for the growth of an ideology about the supremacy of the family as the basis for alternative public care of children and young people .
8 It is possible to argue that there is , in principle , nothing more to understand , because the ‘ subjective meaning ’ of an action consists in conformity to the governing rules .
9 After all , it is possible to argue that the most influential magicians in Catholic countries were the clergy .
10 It is possible to argue that the SR compatibility effect is in some sense due to the nature of the anatomical pathways involved .
11 It is possible to argue that the single occurrence of they in the data with a singular verb is accidental ( a ‘ performance error ’ ) but equally possible to claim that the non-occurrence of you , we and these with a singular verb is the consequence of an accidental gap in the corpus ; the line of reasoning characteristic of generative grammar is of little help to us here in choosing between these alternatives .
12 Moreover , as we saw earlier , it is possible to argue that to pay for a service produces an equal exchange relationship .
13 It is possible to argue that he wrote in the proportion to which each location claimed or received his spans of time and attention — and as he spent more than twice the length of time out on the islands as he did getting there , the greater part of his book addresses the west .
14 Indeed , it is possible to argue that in both the fields of child language and acquired disorders the earliest studies to be carried out were almost exclusively concerned with production .
15 However , it is not necessary for the restraint of trade clause to be part of the main contract so long as it is possible to argue that it is referable to it or is in some other way of contractual force .
16 On the other hand , where severance of the subject matter is envisaged under the contract and property is to pass at this time , it is possible to argue that this is only a sale of goods ( see Kursell v Timber Operators and Contractors Ltd [ 1927 ] 1 KB 298 ) .
17 From these statements it is possible to deduce that Hizir Bey must have been appointed to the Sultan medrese during the first sultanate of Mehmed II ( 848–50/1444–6 ) and that Molla Arab can not therefore have begun his study with him , much less become anyone 's before the summer of 848/1444 .
18 ‘ We do not think it is possible to deny that there are circumstances in which individuals may justifiably choose to enter into a homosexual relationship ... [ although ] such a relationship could not be regarded as the moral or social equivalent of marriage . '
19 With the application of these conditions it is possible to conclude that when operating at capacity , in Ipswich the project saved £432 per week in institutional costs ( or £22,464 per annum ) and in Newham £460 per week ( or £23,920 per annum ) .
20 It is actually a very good performance of the piece , so it is possible to conclude that Ravel was present only in an advisory capacity , if at all .
21 In the matter of the loveless childhood it is possible to see that the measure of the deprivation bears a direct relationship to the measure of uncivilised behaviour that can derive from it .
22 It is possible to see that they had never been lived in , could never be lived in , though front door and portico are present and their ranks of windows , the spaces where the glass should be painted a dull blue .
23 From the moment that Blanche decides to persuade Stella to leave the ‘ brute ’ , it is possible to see that there can only be a tragic ending .
24 In 1850 neither St Petersburg nor Constantinople nor the western powers realized that war was on the horizon , but with hindsight it is possible to see that the battle-lines were drawn .
25 It is possible to speculate that John 's anger may have stemmed from the student turning his attention to the mother ; but whatever the explanation , John responded and reacted to the student .
26 Indeed , it is possible to speculate that the progress of GIS is not being held up by lack of technology or of suitable software but by the cost of acquiring the data necessary for the functioning of the GIS .
27 Therefore it is possible to speculate that the PABA-UDCA administration test reflects the activity of bacteria in the small intestine when it is given orally in lower doses than the maximal amount absorbed from the terminal ileum .
28 By choosing t suitably it is possible to arrange that t and τ are equal at some large distance R. This choice is .
29 It is possible to say that their pas de deux are completely uninhibited .
30 Though Isaac turned out not to be God 's new Adam , it is possible to say that Joseph did .
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