Example sentences of "it be [adv] found in " in BNC.

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1 Though his list and its implications have been largely ignored by writers on the Muftilik , apart from a passing nod from Mustakimzade , his view was adopted directly , indirectly or independently by Hezarfen , d'Ohsson and Hammer , and echoes of it are occasionally found in other authors .
2 It is mostly found in the stronger astringents used for greasy skins .
3 It is normally found in magazines rather than in newspapers , where the far less subtle advertising feature has been well established for years .
4 It is scarcely found in the intervening period , but its presence here is no accident .
5 It is widely found in cough mixtures ( eg Actifed ) and hay-fever medication , some of which can be bought without a prescription .
6 It is also found in body fat and it accumulates in the liver , muscles and walls of blood vessels as part of a disease process .
7 The post-experience pattern has emerged chiefly in the management and administrative fields , although it is also found in teaching ( in post-school education and the proposed ‘ licensed teacher ’ scheme ) and some other service professions ( for example , voluntary social work experience is often a requirement for admission to social work courses ) .
8 Native of central and southern Europe , and western Asia , it is also found in temperate regions of North America .
9 Indirectly , therefore , air quality is frequently considered to some extent in this strategy and it is seldom found in its pure form .
10 birth and as we 've said before it is often found in abnormal presentation like a breach , bottom first .
11 it is occasionally found in coldwater and marine fish and known collectively as the Scyphidia Complex .
12 It is commonly found in texts designed for use in teaching reading , as one means of freeing the beginner from problems connected with syntax .
13 And it is only found in the most unlikely places .
14 In the summer the monarch is distributed from Mexico to Canada , but with falling temperatures it moves south , and in the winter it is only found in Mexico and the southernmost United States ( Figure 4.2 ) .
15 Giardia was , until recently , thought to be a harmless member of the gut flora , because it was sometimes found in the intestines of apparently healthy people .
16 It was occasionally found in practice that the timer would re-trigger when the light tubes were switched off when the timer timed-out , presumably caused by a switch-off ‘ spike ’ on the supply .
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