Example sentences of "it be [prep] [det] reason " in BNC.

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1 It 's for that reason people like us read , ai n't it , Gal ? ’
2 Er Brian has already confirmed that er he will support the Conservative resolution which in effect recognises that some of the changes in government regulation over the past er decade has not always turned out for the best er this County in particular order er other asked the Secretary of State to re to relieve some of the pressures that generates in that area and it 's for that reason er
3 It 's for that reason that I still support the original line which was to merge the centres with a common management structure headed by a single head of the project .
4 It 's for this reason that shareware has n't to be confused with public domain ( PD ) software .
5 It 's for this reason I 've gone against my initial instinct not to blow our own trumpet on this at the risk of provoking more ‘ bad loser ’ comments from certain people ( and let me stress I do n't mean the runners-up ) communicated to me .
6 It 's for this reason that the setting up of a risk management group is considered the essential feature in the first step to control : identifying the risks relevant to a specific organisation .
7 It 's for this reason that many of the shop stewards ' conferences that we 've convened in the last year have been pressing a policy of consolidating bonus pay into the basic rates and we 've achieved some small success in this in building brick and in one or two other industries .
8 JE : Presumably it 's for this reason that he asked Plomer to collaborate on Gloriana instead .
9 Tilson , who 's married and used to be a school cleaner , has n't been seen since the attack 3 weeks ago , and it 's for this reason , police have taken the unsual step of naming him as a suspect .
10 And it 's for this reason , I think , that people quite properly are interested in Darwin 's theory of evolution , are worried about it and so on .
11 It 's for those reasons , sir , that the City Council feels that it can no longer support the proposed proposals for new settlement , just to come to your question about the issue of scale , I am not able to define what er small is in P P G three , it 's obviously been left deliberately vague , but I would draw your attention to the Ucwetec T P A study I 've just referred to which makes it quite clear in their terms that to be self contained in transport terms the nearest any settlement ne really needs to be in excess of twenty thousand people .
12 Well er to me it does n't matter s er that much , what I 'm concerned about is that this is a matter of public interest , it should n't just be a matter of professional interest and it 's for these reasons I think the government should take a rather more lively interest er than perhaps it does .
13 It is for that reason that I include it on the shortlist for the Worst Building in the World title .
14 Perhaps it is for that reason that Britain will find greater interest in discussing the problems of the former Soviet Union and in establishing the rouble stabilisation fund — even though it will mean us pledging about $600m to help keep the Reds out of the red .
15 It is for that reason that a degree of expertise is required in hand strikes and blocking techniques before a student is taught kicks .
16 Note that Lord Blackburn was convinced that prompt part payment of a debt is in fact a benefit to the creditor but he abandoned the opinion that it is for that reason consideration for the creditor 's promise not to claim the balance .
17 It is for that reason , I believe , that the Government have decided that we should maintain the present system .
18 It is for that reason that , if and when the decision is made to move forward , it would be desirable for as many members of the Community as possible to move collectively .
19 It is for that reason , and for that reason alone , I decided to step down .
20 Erm simply to remind you of the position of of Selby District in in that our interest in a new settlement emerged out of concern for the quality of life in existing villages in in Selby district , and concerns for the impact of future peripheral development in those villages , and not just peripheral development on the edge of York , although of course we acknowledge that as an important consideration and it is for that reason that we fully supported the County Council 's proposals in relation to greenbelt , erm you asked the question earlier in relation to the P P G advice and and the six criteria , erm in fact I 've already rehearsed that argument in my submission so I wo n't repeat it now , erm the fact that you chose to phrase the question that way I 'll take as a good omen as to the way I presented my submission , but it it it 's there for you to read again , the the the main point that I want to address is something that was raised by Mr Wincup yesterday , and that was the difference or not as between Selby district and Hambledon district , er M Mr Jewitt 's made reference earlier to his opposition to the new settlement , and in doing so he he he mentioned the settlement pattern in Hambledon district , he 'll correct me if I 'm wrong , but one of small dispersed villages , well in Selby district we do have villages of that nature , but the Northern part of of Selby district is significantly deferent to Hambledon , it 's characterized by much larger villages , and in fact the establishment of a new settlement would n't conflict with with the settlement pattern at all .
21 The important debate in my opinion that we shall have this Committee stage and it is for that reason and also because for four-and-a-half years which I think is regarded as a very long time , I was answerable for police affairs er with the Home Secretary in another place , as the Noble Lord , Lord Callaghan will remember , many years ago , it goes back to January nineteen fifty-eight when I became Under Secretary and he was political advisor to the Police Federation and we very rarely disagreed I 'm happy to say .
22 It is for that reason that the education process initially started at the most senior levels and included the allocation to C&P deputy chief executive Ralph Hodge of overall responsibility for quality improvement .
23 It is for these reasons that levels one and two of partnership have been more prevalent than level three .
24 It is for these reasons that wage rates differ from one job to the next .
25 It is for these reasons that the Treaty of Rome provides :
26 It is for these reasons that many of the relationships between media content and public perceptions remain at the level of supposition and assertion .
27 It is for these reasons that I felt then , as I do now , that in pursuing an industrial career I was performing a social service , of no less significance than my service in the armed forces .
28 It is for these reasons that his approach seems the more fruitful of the two in understanding the situation in advanced capitalist societies during the last twenty or thirty years , when Adorno 's conception of artistic totality , mirror image of an increasingly global , oppressive industrial totality , presents a theoretical cul-de-sac ; when , by contrast , we are actually bombarded by an increasingly heterogeneous mix of musical methods and messages , often seemingly cut free from traditions and sources , shifted around at random ; when listeners do seem to some extent to have learned , gradually , new perceptual skills , through several decades of habituation , enabling more active comparison of styles , a greater variety of uses and a more ‘ ironic ’ relationship to the stream of musical products ; and when the main opportunities for critique and subversion lie not in head-on ‘ romantic ’ protest but in exploiting temporary spaces , in the cracks and at the margins , within the monolith itself .
29 It is for these reasons that Woolwich is not enabled or required to seek its remedy through the statutory framework , but must fall back on the common law .
30 It is for these reasons that sedimentologists have been forced to work to death the few modern examples they have ( such as the poor old Bahamas Ranks ) for analogies with ancient sedimentation .
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