Example sentences of "it be recognised [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 No one considering the outcome could continue under the illusion that the co-operative form of organisation , as it is recognised in the west , can exist in any country the political constitution of which is modelled on the Soviet Russian derivative from Marxism .
2 As an archive it is recognised by the Public Records Act 1958 .
3 It is recognised by the Prime Minister that the recovery will initially be slow and patchy … in time , it should give rise to sustainable economic growth and the creation of new jobs . ’
4 In the realms where it was studied , it was recognised as the ability to tear and claw into the mind of another .
5 It was recognised in the fifteenth century that the right had to give way to the public interest in the administration ofjustice .
6 During this period it was recognised by the local planning authority as a building of considerable local importance , and , accordingly , was listed Grade II .
7 It was recognised by the Warnock Committee that children with sensory impairments could indeed have special educational needs , but that these might be met within a range of different kinds of educational placements , for instance , in individual integration , in special units , or in special schools .
8 It was recognised by the defendants that when the employment of an agent came to an end it was likely that there would be in existence a number of policies which would have been effected during the period of the plaintiff 's employment in respect of which commission would normally be paid in future years if the employment had continued .
9 That is obviously something which we 've just got to keep topping up but it was recognised by the fathers that will there was we needed to be helped to train to sell and so we needed that training er to get us get us going so to speak , there were no natural salesmen amongst departments .
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