Example sentences of "it be more likely [that] " in BNC.

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31 But , as we all know , beauty is only skin deep — it is more likely that the new breeds were favoured because they grew faster and to almost twice the size of bronze strains .
32 It is more likely that it came from Marks & Spencer or from that little boutique round the comer .
33 It is more likely that in many situations there is a conflict of interest between capital and labour over this issue and thus a need to negotiate the outcome .
34 It is more likely that a valuation will not be required before , for instance , a later disposal of the asset by the transferee .
35 It is more likely that a letter to ‘ Anna Payne ’ will get a response than one simply to ‘ the personnel manager ’ .
36 It is more likely that the elements of secrecy and self-deception involved in my behaviour were already so strong that what I was actually doing could n't be described in words at all , least of all in the incriminating written word .
37 On the whole , however , it is more likely that they used a comparative test , tying the two competing ropes end to end , in series , and breaking them by means of a capstan .
38 It is more likely that the accounts in Matthew and Luke are shortened versions of Mark than that Mark has expanded one of theirs .
39 It is more likely that what connects creativity to madness is some aspect of the thought styles which psychotic and original forms of thinking have in common and which , in the psychiatric domain , can be observed across the arbitrary diagnostic categories of psychosis .
40 It is more likely that she was a schizophrenic , for whom the religious beliefs of her day provided a means of escape from the daily life with which her inadequate personality could not cope .
41 It is more likely that a family will lie somewhere on the continuum between these positions in its behaviour patterns .
42 Indeed , it is more likely that a small child will attempt to command an adult than the other way around .
43 It is more likely that a kid will die than reach sexual maturity at three years old .
44 It is more likely that the white ear spots are there as a signal to cubs following their dam in thick jungle .
45 When this happens it is more likely that the two strands mix indifferently .
46 At least in the higher animals , it is more likely that the visual perception of shape and motion have evolved in response to such biologically significant environmental features as the gait or stance of hunter or prey , or the facial grimaces and tail-waving of conspecifics .
47 It may be ‘ accidental that there is no Beaverbrook or Rothermere ’ but it is more likely that they would encounter an enormous backlash if they trespassed into the formal world of politics .
48 Of course it is more likely that women rather than men would be in a position to offer such assistance ( Anderson , 1971 , pp. 139–44 ) .
49 The Pauline Annalist reported a rumour that Arundel confessed to having plotted the death of the queen , but it is more likely that Mortimer saw him as a territorial rival in the Marches of Wales , where he had held the lordship of Chirk since the confiscations after Boroughbridge .
50 It is more likely that other factors , as yet unrecognised , are important .
51 The authors conclude that it is more likely that many other factors should also be included in the analysis such as motivation , nicotine dependence , personality type , self-efficacy , therapeutic support , etc , which act together in a complex way and would substantially increase the explained variance of smoking cessation .
52 When you remove the basin brackets from the wall , it is more likely that you will damage the plaster ( there may also be some wood there with an advanced case of wet rot ) ; Allow time in the schedule for repairing the plaster before you go any further — modern d-i-y plasters can be applied up to two inches thick .
53 If class membership is transmitted across generations ( that is , if there is little social mobility ) then it is more likely that these classes will become distinct social entities , differing in many ways in their social characteristics .
54 In certain cases , we may advance the total cost of the car , but it is more likely that we will want you to make a contribution .
55 It is more likely that by mid May contemporaries had recovered from any anxieties prompted by the seizure of the prince and were prepared to accept Gloucester 's protectorship at face value .
56 It is more likely that the different reproductive roles of males and females have led to the divergence of size .
57 A set of criteria might be given as a list , but it is more likely that at least some of the relationships between individual criteria will be indicated .
58 Recent research has shown that in such cases it is more likely that the animals and humans had been eaten by other predators , such as leopards an hyenas .
59 It is more likely that the sentence beginning with also is adding more detail to support the general conclusion that the individual concerned is right-sided and is part of the internal structure of a paragraph beginning with Generally .
60 These statistics must be treated with caution , but if anything it is more likely that they underrate rather than overrate the political content .
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