Example sentences of "it be hard [to-vb] which " in BNC.

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1 HOLIDAY MONEY There are now so many ways holidaymakers can take money abroad that it 's hard to decide which is best
2 It 's hard to say which one will take the most careful handling , especially in view of the fact that Calder is reported to be considering backing the building of the new radio station .
3 We noted in Chapter 4 that it is hard to predict which sentences will have very many overlapping interpretations , that it depends on many factors including the phonemes in the utterance , the content of the lexicon , and so on .
4 It is hard to decide which is preferable .
5 A sign of the country 's plight is that it is hard to say which would be the better investment .
6 Considering the relativism eating into faith today , it is hard to know which is more surprising — that so many people lose their faith or that more people do not .
7 It is hard to know which is more frustrating : having to do what you do n't want , do n't agree with and have n't been consulted about ; or not being able , through lack of time , energy and support , actually to do what you do want .
8 Drive one straight after the other and it is hard to tell which is quicker .
9 When the champion hurdler , Beech Road , and Morley Street won at Cheltenham ten days ago it was hard to say which put up the better performance and which would be the stable 's first choice for the Champion Hurdle should both be trained for the race .
10 She stared until it was hard to know which was herself — the disconsolate woman in the chill room or the other sorrowful face in the night outside .
11 Sarah sniffed , or laughed , it was hard to tell which .
12 The crowd at the door parted to let through a gaunt old man wearing the black peci hat , symbol of Indonesian nationalism , faded sarong and a shirt with so many patches that it was hard to tell which was the original material .
13 The layers of horn and yew had been blended together with such care that it was hard to tell which was set upon which .
14 And frowned at each other , as ill-coordinated a double-act as Fanny and Johnny Cradock : it was hard to tell which one found the other most irritating .
15 Holly was astride the supine form of one of the younger males , it was hard to tell which .
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