Example sentences of "it [is] worth [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Before looking at this in detail it 's worth briefly outlining what all High Elf forces and troop types have in common .
2 It 's worth also mentioning , since you saw it in the practical class , that staphylococci in general produce this enzyme catalase all of these er lo thi this is the enzyme which breaks down hydrogen peroxide and detoxifies it .
3 It 's worth also noting at this point that if you are a tenant and renting and you lose your job you are eligible for housing benefit , erm if you if you were er buying your house , although you do get some er er you get the interest I believe on your mortgage paid , there are lots of other things that do not get paid but the thing is that if you have a reduction in your income which might happen where one partner say lost a job , er you s you 're eligible for housing benefit but you get nothing as far as company paid mortgage is concerned .
4 Might the Mr Chairman I was just wondering if it 's worth just mentioning that the , since the Redhill Airport proposal which does include a privately funded motorway link erm point erm has gone to and has been called in to the determination I believe by the Minister , but er we are sort of pending er holding our horses until that er er is nearer the time is that not perhaps
5 Erm it maybe that in this alteration the erm it 's worth just spending a minute on whether B eight should just be kept out of the frame for the moment and it 's something that gets dealt with at a later time when more policies are in play .
6 And I think it 's worth just rehearsing very briefly that history to get an understanding of contemporary federalism .
7 I think it 's worth actually looking at that policy .
8 So it is worth regularly spending time on this exercise .
9 Before tracing the developments of public spending control at the centre , it is worth briefly setting out the contrasting ways in which other academics have sought to analyse it in order to make my own theoretical framework explicit .
10 It is worth briefly discussing the work of this important unit .
11 But first , it is worth briefly summarising the evidence which our surveys have given about problems over credit use — as far as the relationship between borrower and lender is concerned .
12 It is worth just noting about it , totting up what we 've voted to spend ,
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