Example sentences of "it [is] thought that the " in BNC.

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1 It 's thought that the morning , when people are a bit lively , is a good time for therapy-type activities — perhaps have a half-hour reminiscence group over a coffee at 9.30 or 10.00 am .
2 It 's thought that the fire had been caused by a welders spark .
3 It 's thought that the weather has something to do with the renewed joyriding .
4 It 's thought that the weather has something to do with the renewed joyriding .
5 It 's thought that the husband killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself after she told him she wanted a divorce Their bodies were found by their daughter .
6 It is thought that the Government may soon double this fine .
7 Are those empirical credentials sufficient , however , to sustain the metaphysical implications it is thought that the laws have ?
8 It is thought that the discounts could start next Saturday .
9 It is thought that the potters had migrated from Malaga in response to the increasing pressure of the sea blockade of southern Spain by Christian ships .
10 On similar grounds , it is thought that the mitochondria ( see p. 63 ) are also descended from free-living prokaryotes which became symbiotic .
11 It is thought that the right-handed molecule produced the therapeutic effect but the left-handed molecule produced the birth defects .
12 It is thought that the first bitch to be imported was from England , Attila Bathsheba , who was imported in whelp to a good dog , Upend Gallant Alf .
13 It is thought that the cargo was destined for Crowland Abbey .
14 A few miles south from Brora , past the Duke of Sutherland 's monstrous French-château fantasy castle at Dunrobin , is the town of Golspie , whose name derives from the old gaelic word meaning the ‘ place of the strangers ’ and although evidence is sparse , it is thought that the strangers in question were Vikings .
15 It is thought that the mechanism whereby all the genes in the chromosome are inactivated is a chemical modification of the DNA .
16 In skin absorption , it is thought that the essential oils , with their very fine aromatic molecules , pass through the hair follicles , which contain sebum , an oily liquid with which the essential oils have an affinity .
17 It is thought that the Romans were first to erect a beacon light on this treacherous stretch of coast where many ships have foundered .
18 It is thought that the small cholesteryl ester-poor HDL 3 particles are converted to HDL 2 as they acquire cholesterol and later apolipoprotein E , and that it is the HDL 2 which may release cholesterol in the liver ( Rothblat & Phillips , 1982 ; Gordon et al , 1983 ) .
19 It is thought that the platelet is necessary for the maintenance of normal vascular integrity in that patients with thrombocytopaenia show a generalised haemorrhagic tendency and bruising when the platelet count falls below about 5 × 10 9 /1 , spontaneous bruising and more severe bleeding being possible as the platelet count falls below 20 × 10 9 /1 .
20 The problem arises because it is thought that the positional errors and attribute uncertainties which are characteristic of all spatial databases , may be propagated and amplified by GIS operations and thus adversely affect some or all applications .
21 It is thought that the records made by British politicians before the General Election of January 1910 were played to voters by means of Auxetophones ; certainly their expected sales would not have justified their production .
22 Since the difference between levels of receptors in women becomes apparent 3–4 days after the onset of depression , it is thought that the effects of falling sex hormones are mediated via the megakaryocyte , a huge bone-marrow cell which is the precursor of platelets ,
23 It is thought that the side-chain inter-reacts with poly-unsaturated fatty acids in the membrane , leaving the hydroxyl group in a position to scavenge free radicals and so maintain the integrity of the cell .
24 Generally , it is thought that the cheese took its name from Dunlop village or parish but it could have been from Mrs. Barbara Dunlop ; we will never know .
25 ‘ Several subtle changes will require more skills from the riders , and with the addition of a new complex called the ‘ Bull Pens ’ it is thought that the optimum time will be harder to achieve , ’ says Michael Tucker .
26 It is thought that the intruder was disturbed by a barking dog .
27 It is thought that the saints were modelled on Henrique Alemão ( King Ladislau of Poland — see p.87 ) and his wife , Senhora Anes , who commissioned the painting .
28 It is thought that the Panel considered that the accounts breached the true and fair spirit of the Companies Act , rather than a specific rule .
29 Indeed , it is thought that the first domestic animals may have originated as wild babies brought home by the hunters for their womenfolk to rear .
30 Photographic and/or medical evidence could be considered if it is thought that the injuries would be difficult to prove .
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