Example sentences of "it [is] not certain that " in BNC.

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1 It 's not certain that driver fatigue did contribute to this latest accident .
2 Even if things go fairly badly it is not certain that voters would turn to Labour as economic saviour .
3 However , it is not certain that this completely solves the problem .
4 It is not certain that a majority of the parliament will follow him when a free vote is held on the question of where Germany 's government should be .
5 It is not certain that Warrington , best remembered as Philip in Rising Damp , actually swallowed the medicine , but his performances have since had great zest .
6 The problem with placing Mary Leapor within this discussion is that it is not certain that she read any of the poems with which these critics are primarily concerned .
7 Sources within TRT said it was considering whether apply for a licence of its own , but it is not certain that the company will actually need one : it may be able to operate under the Worldcom licence — assuming that IDB 's acquisition goes through , TRT and Worldcom will share the same parent .
8 According to Mark Raymond , senior analyst at consultancy DataPro , ‘ The action will clearly strengthen the chances of it becoming the industry standard , but it is not certain that it will influence the IEEE ’ .
9 Although it is not certain that property qualifications were required for liverymen , several companies are known to have imposed minima for admission to their freedom .
10 Though the Life says that Aethelbald 's happiness as king had grown in succeeding years ( since his accession ) ( Vita Guthlaci , ch. 52 ) , it is not certain that this means that Aethelbald was ‘ apparently at the height of his power ’ , and it is not impossible that the Life dates to a period before Aethelbald had asserted his authority outside his own kingdom — perhaps c .
11 A stranger , if he is prudent , will secure his share for it is not certain that he will be able to eat any thing else . ’ )
12 Were all the surface repositories on Mars to be included then the depletions would be reduced , but it is not certain that they would be eliminated .
13 For iron it is about 1000 K. This is a plausible explanation of the Mercurian field , though it is not certain that a slowly cooling core would end up with an appreciable magnetic dipole moment .
14 Probably now , and certainly after 1992 , it is not certain that gas in the United Kingdom sector will be landed in the United Kingdom ; it is likely to be sucked into mainland Europe , where prices are higher .
15 It is not certain that a schema which is valid for the classification of physical entities will be capable of application to epistemological studies .
16 That coins were minted in the names of bishops and churches is clear , but it is not certain that they mark an encroachment into a royal preserve .
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