Example sentences of "it [is] therefore [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 This approach was carried to its furthest extreme by the embryologist E.W. MacBride , who argued that all the different invertebrate types were degenerate offshoots from various points in the main line of vertebrate progress : ‘ It is therefore broadly speaking true ’ , he wrote , ‘ that the Invertebrates collectively represent those branches of the Vertebrate stock which , at various times , have deserted their high vocation and fallen into lowlier habits of life . ’
2 The great Ewan MacColl wrote the hill walker 's anthem , The Manchester Rambler , as a tribute to those who took part in the Great Trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932 and it is therefore particularly fitting that Fay Godwin should have chosen another of his poems to end her book Our Forbidden Land .
3 The great Ewan MacColl wrote the hill walker 's anthem , The Manchester Rambler , as a tribute to those who took part in the Great Trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932 and it is therefore particularly fitting that Fay Godwin should have chosen another of his poems to end her book Our Forbidden Land .
4 It is therefore particularly fitting that it is a charity associated with the teaching profession hat takes some of the books left over at the end of the sale to ‘ sent to countries in dire need ’ , as Lewis Romanis , former Headmaster of Boroughmuir School , put it in his gracious thank-you letter .
5 It is therefore perhaps unsurprising that the problem over the loss of providing powers in Bedfordshire did not appear to be a major one in the context of such close co-operation and joint endeavour to promote the growth of rural adult education at that time .
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