Example sentences of "it [was/were] a good idea " in BNC.

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1 In fact , Flaherty thought it was a better idea than invoking the Draoicht Suan until it was explained to him that unless Pumlumon did invoke it , they would all of them be roasting on spits in the Gruagach 's sculleries before the night was out , to which he said that giants had always been partial to roast Gnome and he had always thought it was a mistake to come to Tara in the first place .
2 David did n't think it was a good idea but I said we could n't keep going out and using the phone box down the road .
3 Nicholson 's interest in writing was re-awakened by his scriptwriting assistance on The Terror , and his next project was a screenplay in which he was encouraged by Roger Corman , who thought it was a good idea because though he personally felt Nicholson showed great potential as an actor , others around him did not always agree .
4 On the other hand , the Cumberbatch survey showed that while 24% of over 1,000 respondents thought televising a bad idea in early November 1989 , those thinking this had fallen to 15% by March 1990 , and a rising number of people agreed that it was a good idea because ‘ the public have a right to know what goes on ’ — 87% in the first survey and 95% in the later one .
5 Either way , however he did it ( and he was becoming increasingly sure that it was a good idea ) , his life was going to be a lot more fun .
6 He despised them all anyway , especially Sylvester , because they had lost interest in the only good idea they had ever come up with — not , of course , at the time that he had admitted it was a good idea .
7 I suppose it was one way of ensuring that staff returned to the fold , but I 'm not so sure that it was a good idea as far as the staff was concerned .
8 It was a good idea .
9 In the early days of Everyday Electronics it was often suggested that it was a good idea to double-up on the cheaper components when buying a set of components for a project .
10 I read somewhere that it was a good idea to specialise in one kind of garment .
11 However , Lilian Peters , seeing how hurt Mrs Miller was , said that she thought that it was a good idea and after suggesting that a weekly gathering of the evacuated mothers and their infants would also be an excellent idea , Mrs Miller sat down beaming , because she believed she had thought of it herself .
12 It was a good idea to loft a few garryowens at their defence , but it was a tactic that was over-used .
13 ‘ We thought it was a good idea to hold a pre-Christmas sale rather than a New Year one because many of our dresses are suitable for Christmas . ’
14 He still thinks it was a good idea to open his business , despite the recession .
15 Without these , you ca n't really tell whether or not it was a good idea to set up yet another restaurant in the city centre .
16 But it was a good idea .
17 Robertson and Sked thought that it was a good idea but the without troops to back it up , it would be a non-starter , mere ‘ gesture politics ’ .
18 You can see why it was a good idea .
19 This was the most dramatic move I had made in all my twenty-two years , and , buoyed up by ten cans of lager , I was convinced it was a good idea .
20 " I admit it was a good idea , " replied Blackberry .
21 Well it was a good idea in as much as it returned to the people 's wishes did n't it ?
22 I decided it was a good idea to write things down rather than depending on the tape because erm I 'm not actually going to get round to transcribing the tape quickly enough to use it as minutes .
23 And they suggested me , but I said I did n't think it was a good idea because I had n't finished
24 The usual family gathering at the Andersons ' was held over until late January as Theresa had invited her parents and brothers and sister to her house for Boxing Day , and Pat said he thought it was a good idea .
25 Faraday had written in the 1820s that it was a good idea to have the same pitch on various bits of apparatus , so that they could be connected together in different ways ; but this idea had not become general .
26 Lucien wondered whether it was a good idea to continue telling his story to the boy , given the direction it was heading in .
27 Yeah , thank you it was a good idea .
28 I should have thought that it was a good idea so that he could see , from time to time , individual complaints about the businesses that he has the responsibility for regulating .
29 I 'm not blaming them , but your mother and father thought it was a good idea , and foolishly I went along with them .
30 Now , I know it is sometimes bad to be very narrow in your outlook but I think it was a good idea to focus on , we consider as a pretty high priority and make as much progress as we can , without forgetting other things and try and teach ourselves to do something within a fairly short space of time .
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