Example sentences of "it [was/were] [adv] [vb pp] clear " in BNC.

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1 It was thus made clear that there was no connection with the consecration of bishops who were anointed on their heads .
2 And it was soon made clear to me that their shopping , far from being a simple necessity , was very much a serious business .
3 Other things apart , it was n't made clear what drugs the fellow had in mind .
4 As the Socialist Challenge pamphlet The Battle of Grunwick commented , ‘ it was not made clear whether the TUC condoned the use of ‘ unnecessary force ’ against non bona fide pickets or whether it thought the police were justified in using necessary force .
5 It was not made clear whether Ramadan replaced the incumbent Vice-President , Taha Mohieddin Maarouf , the sole Kurd in the Iraqi leadership .
6 This withdrawal of co-operation was described as a suspension rather than a severance , however , and it was not made clear whether DEA agents would be ordered out of Mexico .
7 Sister Maria Palmer said , ‘ Perhaps it was not made clear to you that I am-a doctor , Brigadier .
8 It was also made clear that existing tax reliefs on international travel costs made as part of a relocation package will be available in addition to the £8,000 exemption .
9 It was also made clear to them that their training budget could be used to buy training from any supplier .
10 It was also made clear by Lord Simonds at p206 in Congreve , that the section would apply to a transfer to , say , a UK company which was subsequently transferred overseas .
11 It was however made clear that any proposals made must be acceptable to the people of the United Kingdom as a whole and also to the parliament at Westminster .
12 The concentration on the subjective nature of experience made clear the logical privacy , and hence non-physicality , of sense experience in a way in which it was never made clear within the classical and scholastic traditions .
13 It was never made clear , however , how this was to happen or indeed what kind of equality would result from universal social service provision .
14 It was never made clear , if Magic Bus and Stagecoach are to have schemes , what they would be .
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