Example sentences of "it [vb past] [prep] use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ICI , which had set itself a target of recovering 10 per cent of the CFCs it manufactured for use in cooling systems , has blamed lack of co-operation from local councils , industry and commerce for its failure to recover more than 1 per cent .
2 Doors were fitted and it came into use on 7 September .
3 To begin with the system was used by chroniclers , then for specifying the dates on which fairs were held or rent payments due , and finally , in the thirteenth century , it came into use for dating letters and other documents .
4 Late in the reign of Edward 111 , it came into use as the language of the Convocation of Canterbury , instead of Latin and French , in 1399 Henry of Lancaster laid claim to the throne in English ( 22 , p.43 ) and from 1395 the use of English generally became more common in wills ( 135 , pp.209–10 ) .
5 It came into use around the turn of the century .
6 It continued in use as a corn mill up to around 1930 , although the business apparently diminished during its last decade .
7 The water mill was sited at Mill beck and it continued in use until the 1860s .
8 It was later sold to an ironstone quarry where it continued in use until 1963 when it was purchased for preservation .
9 This engine was originally used for pumping water out of the mine workings at Griff Colliery , Nuneaton , from 1723 , and was later moved to other sites , ending up at Hawkesbury Junction on the Coventry Canal , where it remained in use until 19 13 .
10 It is the oldest Newcomen-type steam engine surviving in Britain on its original site , having been installed in 1787 to drain the colliery , and it remained in use until 1923 .
11 It remained in use until the middle of the last century , when alterations were carried out .
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