Example sentences of "it [be] claimed that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is not merely that there are portraits of him at every turn , for there are almost as many of Inglis , nor could it be claimed that he was the greatest lawyer , for he had many rivals for that title even in his own generation , yet it is beyond argument that he was the most influential advocate ever to walk the floor of Parliament House .
2 Clearly , there is an element of political value judgment in such decisions : in 1921 a judge held that reasonable citizens would not think less of a trade unionist if it were claimed that he had worked during a strike : some juries might reach a different decision today .
3 It 's claimed that he was secretly paid commission for awarding work to three firms in Italy , Germany and Norway .
4 LDOCE is of particular interest , since it is claimed that its entries are defined using a controlled vocabulary of around 2,000 words , and that the entries have a simple and regular syntax [ Boguraev & briscoe , 1989 ] .
5 As far as drama is concerned , it is claimed that its only truly fictional element lies in the relationship between the actors on the stage and their audience .
6 It is claimed that we now know that the world operates in accordance with laws , and so we do not need to bring God in to explain things .
7 It is claimed that they have a working range of up to 15 feet ( 5 metres ) .
8 Thus it is claimed that they have two important advantages over tricyclic and related antidepressants — they are better tolerated and are less toxic in overdose .
9 And they could have continued to pay £1 a year for the next 21 years but it is claimed that they failed to act in time .
10 Indeed , it is claimed that there are as many as sixteen senses of the word ’ meaning ’ [ Ogden and Richards , 1923 ] .
11 It is claimed that there exist two radically different species of phenomena , one of which is entirely inaccessible to physical observation .
12 The same interests have dominated his 10 years at Westminster , and it is claimed that he has redistributed more than £60 million from the taxpayer to the poor by challenging the DHSS in test cases .
13 It was claimed that they poured their drinks over the counter and then smashed their beer glasses .
14 On 24 December the Soviet authorities , fearing a further change of government and perhaps of political orientation , began to airlift troops into Kabul ; it was claimed that they were responding to an appeal from the Afghan government to suppress a counter-revolution which was being fomented from outside the country , and that their action was justified by the Soviet-Afghan friendship treaty .
15 It was claimed that they would result in significant increases in consumer prices for cars , patrol and electricity .
16 Rumours of such ‘ snuff ’ movies had been carefully fostered in the New York Press with accounts of private screenings at Mafia parties , and when it was claimed that one had been acquired for public exhibition , it was advertised with the slogan : ‘ Blood Money , the film that could only be made in South America … where Life is CHEAP ! ’
17 It was claimed that it made rural communities vulnerable to guerrilla reprisals .
18 It was claimed that he repeatedly called for the ‘ total westernisation of China ’ and incited people to ‘ change the true colour of the party ’ ( China Now , Winter 1986/87 : 6 ) .
19 It was claimed that he had purchased the Surrey manor of Woodmansterne from its tenant while litigation about the manor was pending in the Common Bench before him and his colleagues .
20 It was claimed that he had confessed to spying for the US Central Intelligence Agency , but the US authorities had always denied that he had any official connections .
21 It was claimed that he had pulled too long and too hard in a trial of forceps delivery and this had caused the plaintiff 's head to become wedged or stuck , resulting in asphyxia and brain damage .
22 It was claimed that there were about 350 members in Sheffield , ‘ 50 wear uniform ’ , and in Harrogate the fascists ‘ appear to confine their attention to younger members of the Tory Party , particularly those interested in sports , rugby and golf players ( the boisterous kind of young bloods ) . ’
23 It was claimed that there were further threats and assaults and Grugel was given money .
24 When a review of the health service was set up following the 1987 general election , it was claimed that our kind of public review would be too slow .
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