Example sentences of "it [be] established that the " in BNC.

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1 As regards the third condition , can it be established that the provision of a company car for the company secretary is the normal commercial practice within that trade ?
2 A third party right can not be revoked or modified by the parties if it is established that the right was not intended to be so revocable or modifiable without the third party 's consent .
3 In all the provisions there are exception clauses : an obligation can be revoked or modified only with consent ‘ unless it is established they had otherwise agreed ’ ; assent shall be presumed ‘ so long as the contrary is not indicated ’ ; a right may not be revoked or modified ‘ if it is established that the right was intended not to be revocable ’ .
4 This is a natural consequence of the Copernican system once it is established that the orbits of Mercury and Venus are inside that of the earth .
5 ‘ if a creditor , or potential creditor , of a husband desires to obtain , by way of security for the husband 's indebtedness , a guarantee from his wife … then the creditor can be in no better position than the husband himself , and the creditor can not enforce the guarantee or the security against the wife if it is established that the execution of the document by the wife was procured by undue influence of the husband and the wife had no independent advice .
6 in Kings North Trust v. Bell [ 1986 ] 1 W.L.R. 199 , 123 : ‘ if a creditor , or potential creditor , of a husband desires to obtain , by way of security for a husband 's indebtedness , a guarantee from his wife or a charge on property of his wife and if the creditor entrusts to the husband himself the task of obtaining the execution of the relevant document by the wife , then the creditor can be in no better position than the husband himself , and the creditor can not enforce the guarantee or the security against the wife if it is established that the execution of the document by the wife was procured by undue influence by the husband and the wife had no independent advice . ’
7 When each noun code is matched up with its appropriate argument ( e.g. when it is established that the boy is the agent , the girl the acted-upon , and the flower the instrument ) , we have reached the second level of representation of the sentence — functional-level representation .
8 A peppercorn does not cease to be good consideration if it is established that the promisee does not like pepper and will throw away the corn .
9 It is established that the nerves mediating the rectoanal inhibitory reflex lie wholly in the wall of the gut and are thus known as enteric ( intrinsic ) inhibitory neurons .
10 The courts will not take the incidence of future inflation into account in calculating the dependency , but if it is established that the deceased would have increased his income in the future for reasons other than inflation ( eg because he would have been promoted if he had remained in his job or because he would probably have attained higher and better paid skills or a better paid job if he had lived ) this might give grounds for increasing the multiplicand .
11 If it is established that the contract was actually concluded during the telephone or other conversation , the terms will be ineffective because they will be introduced too late to be part of the contract .
12 It is established that the minor groove of dA-dT sequences is occupied by a spine of hydration formed by water molecules which bridge adjacent bases in opposite strands of the duplex through hydrogen bonds with thymine O-2 and adenine N-3 ( 9,10 ) .
13 McAvennie threatened to sue Kamara but dropped the idea when it was established that the injury would not end his career .
14 However , during the run up to privatisation , it was established that the running costs of the nuclear power stations were higher than was previously believed and that , in addition , the costs of decommissioning these power stations and reprocessing the spent fuel were both high and uncertain .
15 Another fairly important change was that a review by a review board should be discontinued if it was established that the inspector 's report did not adversely affect the reputation of the person who applied for the review .
16 It was established that the camera had been working and a video tape had been made which had been viewed by the police officers in charge of the case .
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