Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] simply that " in BNC.

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1 If there 's a reason for the collapse in sales , it 's not simply that acts are worse than before , but that there are fewer teenagers to buy their records .
2 It was n't a red-hot knife , it 's just simply that the surgeon had taken this knife , started to carve her abdomen open , and the heat part of the heat was the actual blood that was coming out of this wound .
3 Moreover , that assumption was to some extent reinforced by the official ideology of The Green Book : it is not simply that parties were forbidden and elections arranged in such a way that people had no policy grounds for voting one way or another .
4 It is not simply that a large number of multiply-deprived people live in the urban cores ( Hall and Laurence , 1981 ) ; there are individuals and households where this applies , but highest unemployment rates are frequently encountered in areas of new public housing that would not be identified as inadequate in census surveys .
5 It is not simply that cases of public library censorship appear to be on the increase ( although there is no substantial evidence to confirm this ) , but that the question of determining what is and is not censorship can be so time-consuming .
6 It is not simply that they have different views of the world , but that they each define what is the evidence in a different way .
7 It is not simply that it is a vital matter for some small group of people ( as some may think them to be ) called ‘ Christian feminists ’ who would reconcile their feminism with their Christian faith .
8 But it is not simply that women are notable by their absence .
9 It is not simply that we can suspect the objective basis of ‘ knowledge ’ but that ‘ knowledge ’ is compartmentalized ; some kinds of ‘ knowledge ’ are considered more important than other kinds , and this is communicated very effectively in schools .
10 It is not simply that these areas suffer from deprivation and poverty , but there is a danger of many outer estates , in particular , becoming areas which have a quite different social and economic system , operating almost at subsistence level , depending entirely on the public sector , where the opportunities for improvement either through self-help or through outside intervention are minimal .
11 However , as Table 12.2 shows , it is not simply that there are more women in the older age groups .
12 It is not simply that comparisons and choices have to be made ; for computers can sometimes do that .
13 It is not simply that the former communist societies in Eastern Europe were characterized , to a greater or lesser extent , by relative economic backwardness and political authoritarianism , and consequently had little appeal as models for the future development of any advanced industrial society , but that the democratic socialism of social democratic and labour parties in the capitalist world , despite its real achievements in improving the conditions of life of the working class , has come to be more critically judged as tending to promote an excessive centralization of decision making , growth of bureaucracy and regulation of the lives of individuals , and has lost something of the persuasive character it once had as a movement aiming to create a new civilization .
14 So it is not simply that the inner northern route gives far greater traffic relief than the outer northern and therefore far more effectively meets the need , but also on environmental criteria , the Council 's own consultants appear to have found that at least in its effect on the landscape that it is preferable .
15 Here , it is quite simply that the religion has not lived up to the expectations of its followers , that is , it has provided for them none of the benefits that they were led to expect when they were first introduced to it .
16 It was n't simply that he was managing to smile with his mouth full — a difficult enough task at the best of times — it was that his smile expressed so many real , positive qualities that it must be designed to sell something .
17 It was n't simply that he seemed incapable of telling the truth : he could n't begin to express any thought without it sounding false or grotesque .
18 It was n't simply that he felt protective towards him .
19 It was not simply that London Films had registered a loss of £330,000 for the fiscal year 1936 .
20 In Balbinder 's case it was not simply that he was a slow learner .
21 It was not simply that this or that particular topic might need revision or reassessment , but , they said , ‘ It is vital for us to turn our back on academic eclecticism … , and on the tendency to turn the study of literature and language from a systematic science back once more into a miscellany of episodic and anecdotal essays ’ ( 1977 : 49 ) .
22 It was quite simply that she had wanted to be with him .
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