Example sentences of "it [modal v] seem to follow [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Assuming that the underlying rationale of the distinction between public law and private law interests is to force certain litigants to use the less advantageous Order 53 procedure , it might seem to follow that an applicant would be free to choose to bring an AJR to protect private law rights .
2 If causing death is to be regarded as the most serious harm that can be inflicted , it would seem to follow that the most blameworthy form of homicide should result in the highest sentences imposed by the courts .
3 But if it is the case that language learning is activated by the socio-cultural purpose of schematic extension , that we learn language in order to get a better grasp of the world so that we can turn it to our advantage , then it would seem to follow that a central problem in the teaching of a foreign language lies in the provision of some comparable activating purpose .
4 ‘ If in order to decide the question of jurisdiction it is necessary to determine finally whether a contract exists or not it would seem to follow that if the conclusion arrived at was that no contract existed then ex hypothesi the conditions of article 5(1) would not be met and the court would have no jurisdiction .
5 If this procedure is the most appropriate way of correcting market failure and of otherwise setting the requisite ‘ sociopolitical limits on the exercise of economic rationality ’ then it would seem to follow that the goal of companies should continue to be profit maximisation , within the relevant constraints .
6 Should this be the case , it would seem to follow that a strict concern with shareholder interests would dictate that managers should instead attempt directly to maximise share price , and that directors ' duties should be framed accordingly , and not as just suggested .
7 The point is of some importance : it would seem to follow that the end of the book was a hasty afterthought .
8 It would seem to follow that awards in England and Wales have been and are to be made by reference to social , economic and industrial conditions there .
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