Example sentences of "it [modal v] [be] said [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It may be said at once that these questions can not be answered with complete certainty .
2 It may be said at once that the earlier date , adopted by the the editor of the Istanbul edition of Asikpasazade and Danismend , may safely be ruled out , not only through the evidence of Molla Yegan 's involvement with Molla Gurani but also on the basis of an anecdote about him related in the tenth volume of the history by Kemalpasazade ( d. 940/1534 ) .
3 It may be said at once that of these dates the most inherently improbable is the last , that given by the later Turkish tradition .
4 It may be said at once that the doctrine of tenure , as developed in England , made it difficult , if not impossible to regard either [ the tenant ] or his lord as the owner of the land itself .
5 It may be said of many palaeontologists , as Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper said recently of 18th century historians : " Their most serious error was to measure the past by the present " .
6 It may be said to be on the right lines , but at best it provides materials for an answer to the logical question , materials which it does not combine properly .
7 However , it may be said to be fairer than the Community Charge in that the tax does , at least , rise with the value of the house and it is reasonable to assume that those living in more expensive houses have higher incomes than those living in less expensive dwellings .
8 Seisin is a root of title , and it may be said without undue exaggeration that so far as land is concerned there is in England no law of ownership , but only a law of possession .
9 It may be said in general that the designer of a superconducting circuit needs to worry about the response time and energy of superconducting electrons .
10 The ethics may appear questionable to present day conservationists , but it may be said in defence that the trip was made with the knowledge of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , whose observations at that time showed that there was no falling off in the numbers of breeding birds as a result of the annual slaughter .
11 However they decided the case on another basis and Pearson LJ said " it may be said in answer to the possibility of such a reductio ad absurdum , though no doubt , it has to be taken into account , is far from conclusive , because it may involve unlikely hypotheses , which would be outside the reasonable expectations of the parties at the time of the making of the contract of employment " .
12 It should be said at the outset that this is not the usual legal meaning of the word .
13 But it should be said at the outset that none of the terms ‘ check ’ , ‘ control ’ or ‘ render accountable ’ has a single clear meaning : there are several ways of checking and controlling and several types of accountability .
14 It should be said at this stage that the case for regulation in any situation is weakened to the extent that the institutions which will themselves be involved are imperfect .
15 On the other hand , despite the tone of much of the political debate in the United Kingdom , it should be said at the outset that questions such as the transfer of powers ( or sovereignty ) to the Community , the direct application and direct effect of Community law , and the correlative theory of the primacy of such provisions of Community law when they conflict with provisions of national law , were all established aspects of Community law when we joined in 1973 , and are not new problems relating to Maastricht .
16 It should be said at the outset , however , that the terminological distinction is not always maintained : it is somewhat blurred in the context of citizenship of the Union , which is inserted into the Community Treaty in a new Article 8 and 8a to 8e .
17 The desirability of this is obvious , though it must be said without wishing to offend anyone that it seems as imminent now as it was when the claim was first being made 30 years ago .
18 Quite apart from the fact that they would appear to be unorthodox and a distortion at its best of Christian theology , I believe it must be said of all these suggestions that , if what is intended is that they should give an equal place to women or to the ‘ feminine ’ within the Christian religion , they fail .
19 It must be said on James 's behalf that he refrained from doing so .
20 It must be said at once that nothing remotely as strong as this is required by the proposition that to explain an event is to find its cause .
21 It must be said at once that fears as to this are greatly exaggerated : most incestuous activity does not lead to pregnancy , while , when it does , favourable genetic attributes can be transmitted as well as unfavourable ones .
22 Once the connection is made ( and it must be said at this point that the parallel connection is far and away the faster of the two possibles ) a program rejoicing in the highly descriptive name of ‘ FX ’ must be run at either end of the link .
23 The calf is supposed to miss its mother as it might be said of a 4-year-old child .
24 Some of that evidence , it might be said in parenthesis , appears to be adverse to the appellants .
25 Most important of all was to know the Catechism , and they had to repeat it over and over until it could be said without faltering .
26 This is one of the many books which address the snobbery of the English , which flash at their readers the lawns of country houses , the baize of gambling-tables , which tell tales of those virtuosos of ostentation and disregard who have in common a contempt for commonness , for the middle class ; and it could be said of such books that their chief resource is the eccentricity which has long amounted to a convention of upper-class life .
27 To take an even more famous imperial hero , perhaps the most famous of all , it could be said of T.E .
28 I do not believe , whatever I may mean by God , that it could be said of God that God was differently related to one age or people than God is related to all ages or people .
29 Pontypool are not the force they were … some fear it could be said of Gloucester too … not after this win …
30 Now it could be said of course that we do n't offer the same kind of very intense opportunities that are on offer to undergraduates , but in some senses , and many adults have testified to this , this is an advantage , because it enables people in their own time , and sometimes over a fairly prolonged period , to explore with a tutor , a scholar , the kind of interests that they have in the issues that have concerned them in society .
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