Example sentences of "it [verb] be proposed that " in BNC.

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1 Thromboxane A 2 is a more powerful pro-aggregatory substance in platelets than the endoperoxides , and it has been proposed that it is the arachidonic acid metabolite that mediates platelet aggregation and the release reaction ( Hamberg et al , 1975 ) .
2 It has been proposed that endoperoxides and thromboxane A 2 activate platelets by acting as calcium ionophores , hence mobilising intracellular free calcium ( Gerrard et al , 1978 ) .
3 On theoretical grounds , it has been proposed that hot coronal loops become unstable in evolved stars because of the combined effects of large size ( presumed to scale as the stellar radius ) and low surface gravity , leaving only low-lying cool loops which do not emit X-rays .
4 The CAP reforms also affect non-farmers and it has been proposed that an annual premium of 150 ECU per hectare would be payable for a period of 20 years to private individuals rather than farmers who afforest agricultural land .
5 We therefore attempt to hold the current program " context " in the fast accumulators as the program is executed ; since it may be difficult for a programmer or compiler to establish such a current context at each point , it has been proposed that the accumulator array be replaced by an associative store , and this is discussed in 5.5 .
6 For example , It is proposed that … suggests that the writer of the abstract is doing the proposing , but It has been proposed that … suggests that the proposing is done by someone other than the writer .
7 Therefore it has been proposed that intronic ORFs may be capable of their own evolution , independent of the intervening sequence in which they reside ( 44 , 46 , 19 ) .
8 It has been proposed that DNA supercoiling would act to change the DNA structure at the promoter facilitating or inhibiting the formation of a stable RNA polymerase-promoter complex , in which the initiation region is melted , and that can proceed to the promoter clearance step ( 25 ) .
9 It has been proposed that a reduction in pay rises of 1% could create 200,000 jobs but before the jobs are created the demand must exist for our goods .
10 More specifically , it has been proposed that the related ideas expressed in a discourse are organised into a coherent whole or schema — to use the concept first developed by Bartlett ( 1932 ) .
11 On the basis of this evidence , it has been suggested that poverty is the primary cause of the failure to seek legal advice , and it has been proposed that the failure is due to a lack of ‘ legal competence ’ among the less affluent who suffer not only from lack of money , but also from lack of influence , lack of energy and lack of awareness .
12 In consolidating data from several areas it has been proposed that a rapid rise of sea level occurred in the early Holocene but that in the last 6000 years the rate has been far less , although it may have diminished progressively , it may have risen to c .
13 The reasoning on this point has , however , attracted much criticism and it has been proposed that the husband should , in future , be held liable as an accessory in these circumstances .
14 It has been proposed that the gravitational force has a short-range component that varies from material to material , with a suggested range of about 10 6 m or less .
15 It has been proposed that some extremely simple aspects of the environment — spatial and temporal location of information and its frequency of occurrence — may be coded automatically without the requirement of conscious attention ( Hasher & Zacks , 1979 , 1984 ) .
16 It has been proposed that the trophic and antisecretory effects of EGF are mediated by the luminal route in the stomach .
17 Upon consideration of the hypothesis that bile constituents and their intracolonic degradation products influence colon carcinogenesis , it has been proposed that subjects with a metabolic predisposition towards lowered serum cholesterol may also have an increased secretion of bile and hence an increased risk of developing colorectal carcinoma .
18 In addition to a direct toxic effect of ammonia , it has been proposed that ammonium ions may interact with neutrophil produced hypochlorous acid to produce the highly toxic mono-N-chloramine , NH 2 Cl .
19 It has been proposed that colorectal carcinogenesis is accompanied by increased mucosal cell proliferation and that the converse may also apply .
20 It has been proposed that an early event in the development of colorectal tumours is the loss of the ability of colonic epithelial cells to undergo terminal differentiation as they migrate up the crypt towards the luminal surface .
21 Although it has been proposed that a deficiency of endogenous prostaglandins due to inhibition of cycloocygenase by indomethacin is involved in these effects , the exact pathogenic mechanism remains to be elucidated .
22 Bile and bile salts inhibit motility and it has been proposed that they take part in the putative ‘ ileal brake ’ mechanism .
23 It has been proposed that the effector mechanism for this inhibition is located in the terminal ileum and is therefore often referred to as the ‘ ileal brake ’ .
24 It has been proposed that these instruments were played by extra musicians .
25 Hosts : Horses and donkeys Site : Caecum and colon Species : For many years there has been a great deal of confusion in the classification of this group of parasites and in a recent revision it has been proposed that the genus Trichonema be discarded and replaced by four genera , namely Cyathostomum , Cylicocyclus , Cylicodontophorus and Cylicostephanus , these being collectively referred to as cyathostomes .
26 It has been proposed that UF9 cells contain a negative regulator(s) of the cAMP-response that might act through direct interaction with CREB .
27 However , UF9 cells contain normal levels of endogenous CREB ( 37 ) and it has been proposed that UF9 cells contain a CREB inhibitor that prevents relay of the cAMP-signal to the transcription machinery ( 37 ) .
28 It has been proposed that neuronal specificity of the SCG10 gene is achieved through selective repression in non-neuronal tissues ( 36 ) , making this an alternative mechanism for gene activation in the nervous system .
29 Firstly , we 've had a feasibility study on as to what should happen to Chipping Norton , and it has been proposed that it should develop eastwards and this would embrace the land which is owned by the County Council , being the former being the existing County Council smallholdings at Fowler 's Barn and Tank Farm , and also the William Fowler allotments , and it 's suggested that a relief road and ring road will run from the A three six one Burford Road to link up with the A forty four somewhere not far removed from Swingswang .
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