Example sentences of "to his head [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Crown counsel said police received a complaint from a man on January 12 , 1992 , saying John Murray had held a gun to his head and threatened to kill him .
2 Two armed men held a gun to his head and made him drive the bomb to the heart of Westminster after hiring the cab at his office .
3 He remained still and one of them settled on his shoulder , hopped to his head and reached a yellow beak to peck at his eyes .
4 ‘ Because he was forever making dens in trees , ’ said his nan , who knew this was another , ‘ and one day a big crow flew up and scared him and he lost his hold and fell on to his head and stopped growing so let that be a lesson to you . ’
5 A JILTED lover put a pistol to his head and pulled the trigger in front of his horrified ex-girlfriend yesterday .
6 He pointed to his head and mimed the whisking away of his hat .
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