Example sentences of "to be true [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The same is likely to be true for South Eastern secretarial/office staff , and throws into question the chances of success of campaigns to recruit them such as recently initiated by the major Transport and General Workers Union ( TGWU ) ( see Financial Times , 5 and 6/12/86 ) .
2 ‘ Brother shall deliver up brother to death ’ could be said to be true of Jerome , for if he had not killed he had indeed delivered Aldhelm to his death .
3 The same has turned out to be true of show-jumping , a little-known landed pursuit before it was taken up by the BBC as a sport which might appeal to women , especially when Pat Smythe rode Flanagan to four European Championship victories between 1957 and 1963 .
4 This seems to be true of N. lapillus as well .
5 Though in a different way , what we have seen to be true of Gide was also true of Wilde : ‘ running foul of the law in his sexual life was a stimulus to thought on every subject … .
6 How far can the characteristics suggested for tribunals be said to be true of tribunals to the exclusion of other forms of dispute resolution ?
7 This appears to be true of chimpanzees ( under poor food conditions ) , orang-utans , and spider monkeys which show neither coalition formation nor matrilines .
8 Unfortunately , the same has proved to be true of experiments using Lawrence 's original design .
9 The same seems to be true of anxiety .
10 The same is unlikely to be true of CD-I and part of the delay in delivering FMFFV may be due to Philips ' concern to know the requirements of the standard before committing themselves .
11 Sir Brynmor Jones said jocularly : " The teacher who can be replaced by a teaching machine or any audio-visual aid deserves to be ( 1968 : 281 ) and this might be thought also to be true of replacement by ancillaries .
12 The same seems to be true of vitamins A and E. The best food sources of selenium are fish and whole grains .
13 Rejecting a federalized party , he asserted that the CPSU should remain unified in order to be true to Lenin 's concept of an internationalist party acting as a force to cement the multinational Soviet state .
14 This seems to be true in spite of the fact that Spinoza was very much of a generation which was concerned to dissociate itself from the Greek inheritance , and indeed he represents something of a fresh injection of Jewish moral feeling into the main Christian current of Western thought .
15 This can also be shown to be true in BSL , indicating that surface features of languages may be used in different ways to express conceptual material but that these differences should not be seen as deficits .
16 The idea that families do not ‘ look after their own ’ is not found to be true in practice .
17 It seems , then , that no contrast between syllable-final and exists in RP , and the same appears to be true in relation to and and to and .
18 On Feb. 24 the government claimed to have bombed Jamba , a claim later acknowledged to be true by UNITA .
19 Once a logical contradiction is admitted to a system of propositions any other proposition and its negation can be proved to be true by virtue of the rules of formal logic .
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