Example sentences of "to be based on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have always considered drama training to be based on simple precepts , for acting is not a complicated art .
2 Even when the discriminations of the zoologists began to be based on systematic classification rather than fantasy the criteria that were used to distinguish man from non-man remained very uncertain .
3 Thus those interests mobilized at the centre around the processes of production — the organized class interests of industrial and finance capital , the professions and organized labour — will differ from those organized locally , where mobilization usually cuts across class lines to be based on specific local consumption issues - council tenants , parents of under-fives and so on .
4 It has just been argued that detailed financial and managerial controls need to be based on specific product and/or SBU categories .
5 The proposed psychology was , however , to be based on neurological findings .
6 Hew was convicted on the basis of confessions he had made under torture and because he had read The Dogs of War , a novel about a coup in an imaginary country widely thought to be based on Equatorial Guinea .
7 Indeed the type of ceremonial gift exchange to which we have referred seems to be based on egalitarian notions of reciprocity and sharing .
8 The most familiar is that of total ignorance , in the sense of making no response at all , and which could also be said to be based on total ignorance .
9 We thought that this was rather a superficial document , containing many forecasts which seemed to be based on inadequate data or questionable assumptions .
10 Thus , in general , it seems that backward projection on to historical states of language has tended to be based on present-day standard English and SBE , rather than other dialects , and as in the examples cited from Dobson ( below ) there has been a tendency to think of a phonemic set ( such as short /a/ ) as being invariant or nearly invariant within itself .
11 Although the assessment of damages often has to be based on scanty evidence , in the opinion of the Board the evidence adduced by the plaintiff as to damage in this case was inadequate to prove any damage beyond the purely nominal .
12 Within this context of the nation as a family , the actions of individuals were expected to be based on selfless service to their immediate group , and thereby to the state .
13 Typically , they tend to be based on American-made cars from the 1930s and 1940s .
14 You would n't want the management of patients to be based on anecdotal evidence , would you , with all its distortions ?
15 His book is the first to be based on close technical scrutiny of the parchment , which revealed several erased preparatory drawings that point to some controversy among the medieval planners .
16 It could be argued , therefore , that good education ought always to be based on multi-cultural principles .
17 To twentieth century man the operation of these laws appears to be based on necessary events of great cruelty .
18 They were to be based on existing regional and other colleges already substantially engaged in higher education .
19 Initially , the view in the United States was that the refusal had to be based on good grounds — for example , religious beliefs strongly held — but the position now is moving towards the idea that ‘ individual freedom here is guaranteed only if people are given the right to make choices which would generally be regarded as foolish ones ’ .
20 Any public rebuke to the BBC , still more any action , will need to be based on watertight evidence .
21 Mistrust of a solicitor had to be based on tangible fact , and could not simply reflect a suspicion of the profession in general .
22 For this to be effective each transmitter-receiver system needs to be based on varied signals or there is great confusion and you become unable to tell which ferret is where .
23 Until recently , he complains , theories of literacy have tended to be based on instructional techniques rather than linguistic theory : research on reading has been dominated by experimental psychology , with the kinds of results we saw above ( Chapter 1 ) .
24 Gorbachev also endorsed the comments of the Soviet Foreign Minister Boris Pankin , who stated on Sept. 5 that Soviet-Cuban relations had to be " de-ideologized " and , from now on , had to be based on free-trade terms rather than on previous military or political dogmas .
25 Even when they apply themselves to understanding the effects of social relations on individual cognition , as with work on social identity and social representations , the patterns they describe are assumed to be based on universal properties of the human mind .
26 Like its European counterparts , the California Greens are to eschew leadership , to be based on feminist principles and to promote universal health care .
27 Policy , it was believed , had to be based on sound scientific evidence ; otherwise , it would not be ‘ fair ’ to industry .
28 Deciding which measures to implement needs to be based on detailed knowledge of the emissions which power stations , traffic , homes and industry contribute to each pollutant .
29 Is the Minister aware of the continuing concern among natural health therapists and others about the inadequate consultation so far by the Government on this important matter and of the allegations of serious omissions and inaccuracies in the Denner report , which was supposed to be based on previous consultations ?
30 Though many analysts believe the desire for Marcos 's return to be based on Filipino culture and tradition , others feel Marcos 's 20 years of corrupt rule has produced a psychologically damaged people .
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