Example sentences of "to be present [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The public have a statutory right to be present during council meetings and committee meetings .
2 Team members to be present for conversation and questions .
3 Only an H , O or A horizon is likely to be present above rock .
4 They continued to be present at Parliament until the day in March 1707 when they were laid to rest in the great oak chest .
5 Early studies using crude fibrinolytic activity assays and histochemical fibrin slide techniques revealed plasminogen activators to be present in cancer tissue and cell lines obtained from the oral cavity and stomach .
6 The godmother was the Queen of Sweden , also unable to be present in person , who was represented by Princess Stephanie Louise Napoleon , Grand Duchess of Baden .
7 What element has to be present in haemoglobin ?
8 And they have requested that one of their representatives will be allowed to be present in order to put their case .
9 By gel retardation analysis we have found this protein to be present in rat tissue extract but we have failed to demonstrate substantial binding to this region in a number of cell lines including HeLa .
10 N-terminal lysine residues were assumed to be present in lysylendopeptidase digests because of the high specificity of this enzyme .
11 When a sender judges her receiver 's schema to correspond to a significant degree with her own , she need only mention features which are not contained in it ( the time of getting up and what she had for breakfast , for example ) ; other features ( like getting out of bed and getting dressed ) will be assumed to be present by default , unless we are told otherwise .
12 Can you identify features which you have assumed a receiver of your description will assume to be present by default ( i.e. features of the building which do not diverge from what you presume to be shared between your ‘ building schema ’ and a potential receiver 's ) ?
13 However , if one looks at section 3 it is — we do not need to decide the point — at least doubtful whether it would apply to the circumstances of the present case , because the requisite intent which has to be present before section 3 is breached is the intent under subsection ( 2 ) of section 3 , ‘ ( a ) to impair the operation of any computer ’ — that clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — ‘ ( b ) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer ’ — that again clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — and ‘ ( c ) to impair the operation of any such program ’ — that does not apply here .
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