Example sentences of "to a wide [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 There must always be an argument as to whether it is best to have a product that sells to a wide market or one that sells to a specific market sector .
2 While it recognises that the Catholic community has a particular vision of Religious Education ( related to a wider catechesis and formation in faith ) the Commission urges that Religious Education teachers in Catholic Schools give due consideration to the benefits in terms of organisation , teaching methods , assessment and motivation to learn which are offered in the Religious and Moral Education Short Courses .
3 In principle at least , no one disagreed with Kerschensteiner when he said that the education given should not be ‘ a mere trade or industrial training in the narrower sense of these words ’ , but should involve ‘ everything which leads to a wider outlook and a broader life ’ .
4 Having achieved this , the camera can then pull back to a wider view and re-establish the general scene before closing in again to continue a probe of the setting and its activities .
5 Eventually it was agreed to throw the debate open to a wider audience and thus was born the idea of the ‘ Is West Belfast Working ? ’
6 In 1895 his article ‘ An Ideal Suburban House ’ , published in the Studio , exposed Scott 's talents to a wider audience and he received his first commissions from the mainland .
7 They formed the ensemble ‘ Les Gouts Reunis ’ to bring baroque and early classical chamber music to a wider audience and have performed in Dublin and Belfast .
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