Example sentences of "to be nice to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the past , the Americans opposed the idea of a Palestinian state : there was not enough room , they said ; and , given independence , the people in it might break their promise to be nice to Israel .
2 Conditioned to observe , she noticed what it did to her ; the feeling of vigour , the brisker step , the tendency to be nice to others , to talk to those whom one usually avoided .
3 And no doubt next time we do a piece on East Anglian rock — it took us nearly 40 years to do this one , so the next one should be in 2032 — we promise to be nice to Ipswich .
4 It 's trying to be nice to people that gets me into trouble — and it does n't help the people either .
5 We are not , however , forced to suppose that a baboon reasons , as a man would , that it will pay to be nice to X , because X is likely to reciprocate .
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