Example sentences of "to the bridge over the " in BNC.

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1 The name Fleet was an Anglo-Saxon word meaning ‘ tidal inlet ’ and the principle sources of the water flowing into the River Fleet , were the heights of Hampstead Heath , also the grounds of Kenwood House at Highgate , all joining just north of Camden Town , and flowing south to join the River Thames , close to the Blackfriars monastery which gave its name to the bridge over the Thames at that point .
2 The walk starts at the car park at the eastern end of Loch Affric from where you drop down the track to the bridge over the river flowing out of the loch .
3 From map coordinate 687602 follow the reservoir road north-east to the bridge over the ditch .
4 Particular attention was drawn to the small tunnel at Curiemuirend which leads under the Walkway to the bridge over the river to Westmill which is , at present , virtually impassable .
5 Particular attention was drawn to the small tunnel at Curiemuirend which leads under the Walkway to the bridge over the river to Westmill which is , at present , virtually impassable .
6 The Swan Inn was on the far side of the village from Fern Cottage , situated close to the bridge over the river Windrush .
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