Example sentences of "to the [num] education [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We have already seen this statement in St John Ackers ' postscript to the 1890 Education Act , but it has become popular again ( Van Uden , 1981 ) .
2 Some aspects of open enrolment go back to the 1980 Education Act .
3 Parents and professionals will welcome the amendment to the 1981 Education Act which comes into force at once , to the effect that parents have the right of appeal where statements have been rewritten for any reason and must be informed in writing of this right .
4 According to the 1944 Education Act the Secretary of State has a duty to ‘ promote the education of the people of England and Wales and the progressive development of institutions devoted to that purpose … ’ , although effective control was , at the time of the Tyndale dispute , devolved to the LEAs .
5 The social debate and revolution in attitude engendered by evacuation thus produced a whole string of welfare reforms , from the more liberal administration of National Assistance to the 1944 Education Act .
6 This seminar series is stimulated by research studies that have arisen in response to the 1988 Education Reform Act ( ERA ) .
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