Example sentences of "to the [adj] period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Answer guide : Period costs are costs that relate to the current period in question .
2 This contribution to the accumulating ‘ goodness ’ may be regarded as the first which is not due to the ruthless survival laws which belong to the second period of this book .
3 That is why we offer a special Protection Plan which ensures that the repayments are made for up to 12 months in the case of unemployment , and for up to the remaining period of the loan for accident and sickness .
4 The benefit is payable monthly after 15 consecutive days absence from work , during the continued period of absence , for up to 12 months in respect of unemployment , and for up to the remaining period of the loan in respect of disability .
5 The benefit is payable monthly after fifteen days absence from work , during the continued period of absence , for up to twelve months in respect of unemployment , and for up to the remaining period of the loan in respect of disability .
6 The book traces his family history leading up to that midnight stroke and carries it through to the dark period of Mrs Gandhi 's emergency .
7 And it , kind of faces both ways , it , it looks back to the early period of the development of Freud 's thought that we 've already spoken about , and its beginnings back in the eighteen nineties , and in certain other respects , it looks forward , to the kind of revolution that was going to occur after World War Two .
8 Nevertheless , Medick 's linking of new forms of recreation to the early period of adjustment to a money wage and to well-noted irregular rhythms of labour offers a more convincing explanation for the commercialisation of working-class leisure than does a simple downward percolation of middle- class forms .
9 It may be recalled that it is suggested that the origin of ‘ -desire ’ could be also the origin of life , and is one of the timeless mysteries relegated to the pre-life period of the story of the universe .
10 Held , allowing the appeals , that the Secretary of State was required to afford to a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the opportunity to submit in writing representations as to the period that prisoner should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence before the Secretary of State in the exercise of his power under section 61 of the Act of 1967 set the date of the first review of the prisoner 's sentence ; that , before giving the prisoner the opportunity to make representations , the Secretary of State was required to inform him of the period recommended by the judiciary as the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence and of any other opinion expressed by the judiciary which had not been disclosed at the trial and would be relevant to the Secretary of State 's decision as to the appropriate period to be served for those purposes ; but that the Secretary of State was not obliged to adopt that judicial view or , if he departed from it , to give reasons for doing so , and that he was entitled to delegate his powers for that purpose to a junior minister within the Home Department ; and that , accordingly , the decisions made by the Secretary of State as to the length of the period each of the applicants should serve before the date of the first review of their sentences should be quashed and that each applicant should be given the opportunity to make written representations after he had been informed of the judicial opinion regarding the period he should serve before review ( post , pp. 963B–C , 969A–C , 973F–H , 974A–B , 977B–D , 979C–F , 980E–G , 981F–G , 983C–D , 984C–E , 985B–C , 986H — 987A , F–G , 988C–E , G–H , 989B–C , D–E , 991B–C , 992F–H , 993B–E , F–G ) .
11 ( 2 ) Before giving the prisoner the opportunity to make such representations , the Secretary of State is required to inform him of the period recommended by the judiciary as the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence , and of any other opinion expressed by the judiciary which is relevant to the Secretary of State 's decision as to the appropriate period to be served for these purposes .
12 Unless the judge makes a recommendation under section 1(2) of the Murder ( Abolition of the Death Penalty ) Act 1965 as to the minimum period of imprisonment a person convicted of murder should serve — and this is now done infrequently — he does not say what advice he proposes to give the Secretary of State .
13 Little help for either view may be found in the accounts of the life of Fahreddin Acemi in the early sources , however , for particularly in regard to the critical period after the death of Molla Fenari they give little information .
14 Birmingham had a tradition going back to the inter-war period for ‘ tough ’ and ‘ realistic ’ empirical research on the Soviet economy , which was unique among British universities .
15 In the following section we shall examine the changes that have occurred in the UK economy in the decades leading up to the latest period of structural change , the changes over the post-war period culminating in what is often called the deindustrialization of the UK .
16 The trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice express their views as to the proper period to be served by the prisoner for the purposes of retribution and deterrence voluntarily , in accordance with the agreement made by the Lord Chief Justice with the Home Secretary .
17 I start by observing that if the Lord Chief Justice does not agree with the view expressed by the trial judge as to the proper period to be served for retribution and deterrence , there are two judicial views .
18 An extra share of five P of which two point two P relates to the exceptional period on the sale of Carpet Right shares giving interest net earnings per share of two point eight P .
19 In his paper ‘ Analysis Terminable and Interminable ’ ( 1937 ) , which belongs to the same period of Freud 's life as Moses and Monotheism , Freud writes about the way in which nearly all women patients show signs of wishing to be men , and men seek to avoid taking a passive attitude towards other men , including a male therapist .
20 Where similar finds are consistently found in layers dated to the same period of time , it can be assumed that these finds belong to that time period .
21 Stronger than expected demand is the main reason : the International Energy Agency reckons that OECD oil consumption climbed by more than 5% from the last quarter of 1987 to the same period of 1988 .
22 So he wanted more life cover , but he obviously on his old plan could n't sustain that to the same period of time , so he had it for a shorter period of time , the ten years , and when it dropped , he dropped down again .
23 Road deaths increased in the UK by six percent to 1250 in the second quarter of 1990 compared to the same period for last year .
24 Neste posted a 76 per cent fall in pre-tax profits to FIM 399.2m ( £1 = FIM7.07 ) during the first eight months of 1991 , compared to the same period in 1990 .
25 Apple Computer France SA has cut retail prices of all its products by up to 33% , and says the impact 3 , should show up quickly because of the fiercely competitive nature of the computer industry : ‘ we aim to increase the number of our users and conquer new markets , ’ it said , adding that it intends to establish a new pricing policy for resellers ; ‘ the demand for our products is still strong , with a worldwide volume growth rate of 18% in the second half of our fiscal 1993 , compared to the same period in fiscal 92 , ’ said Giancarlo Zanni , managing director of Apple France .
26 Some of the experiences drawn upon in the Fiction belong to the blank period between October 1896 and January 1897 , for which no letters from Edward and Helen survive .
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