Example sentences of "to [be] concerned [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Turkish military was reported to be concerned over the presence of foreign troops on Turkish territory , and also over the prospect of a Kurdish enclave in northern Iraq .
2 There is no reason for anyone to be concerned about the ram 's ability to work because he ca n't get around his ewes .
3 Shareholders were reported to be concerned about the company 's loss of credibility .
4 Is it reactionary to be concerned about the issues of parental discipline and authority , and the related aspects of self-discipline and self-control , in these ‘ enlightened ’ times of progressive , permissive ( some would say laissez-faire ) child-rearing ?
5 What we are reading may invite reaction : Shirley Hughes expects us to react to Dave 's loss of Dogger and to be concerned about the problem of Alfie when he is locked inside the house .
6 The intention of the Merger Regulation was to introduce a ‘ one-stop , merger control , described by Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan as a ‘ system whereby , in the case of smaller mergers , they would be subject only to national regulation … while in the case of the really large mergers which have implications for the whole Community , the European Commission would have the power to intervene , and companies would not normally need to be concerned about the national regulatory authorities ’ .
7 To be concerned about the fate of historic buildings when thousands of people were being uprooted was not necessarily to pity the plumage and forget the dying bird .
8 For the vast majority of individuals this is still the case and they have no need to be concerned about the changes described below .
9 They were not afraid to be concerned about the misery and unhappiness of men and women in society , and to ask whether and how positive happiness could be attained .
10 When Newton had progressed that far in the programme , following a path that had presented itself as more or less necessary from the outset , he began to be concerned about the match between his theory and observation .
11 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
12 There are what economists call ‘ efficiency ’ reasons , in addition to the obvious grounds of equity , to be concerned about the relative economic weakness of women .
13 far from happy with the plan print room with the er er o o o and suggest that the businesses ought to be concerned about the way that their records are stored in their plan room .
14 It may be that , at least in the Western World , we have reached a level of wealth where we can afford to be concerned about the environment .
15 The inspectorate is known to be concerned about the pollution the plant will cause and is planning an eight-week consultation process on the basis of a draft authorization ( setting out permitted discharge levels for a range of pollutants ) due to be published shortly .
16 The decisions involved in a budget are never easy , but this year the Chancellor has to be concerned about the high and rising level of unemployment , the danger of renewed inflation as a result of the sharp depreciation of the pound , the large and rapidly growing budget deficit and the deficit on the balance of payments .
17 The decisions involved in a budget are never easy , but this year the Chancellor has to be concerned about the high and rising level of unemployment , the danger of renewed inflation as a result of the sharp depreciation of the pound , the large and rapidly growing budget deficit and the deficit on the balance of payments .
18 AI continues to be concerned at the long-term detention in Hong Kong of thousands of Vietnamese asylum-seekers .
19 Various areas of reform were on the agenda ; Lini , himself an Anglican priest , was known to be concerned at the proliferation of fundamentalist sects and cults in the country .
20 The Communist Party , reduced to a low level , had good reason to be concerned at the threat of a new Left party .
21 Our Institute must find a way to defend our interests in the matter of fee income while appearing to be concerned for the public interest as well .
22 They are at a stage when they are likely to be concerned with a variety of complex issues ; the meaning of life , the existence of God , ideologies , their emerging sexuality , their future career and life-style — too often science is seen as being purely instrumental with nothing to contribute to these debates .
23 Policy analysis needs to be concerned with a flow of interrelated policies , with abrupt changes of direction a comparatively rare occurrence .
24 The Council continued to be concerned with a range of general issues , including research .
25 Pakistan 's military appears instead to be concerned with the country 's neighbour and traditional foe — India .
26 While he was perceived to be concerned with the great strategic issues of war leadership , the representatives of the Party had to tackle the tedious , and often unpopular , workaday matters affecting daily life in the Heimat .
27 The focusing of consciousness often appears to be concerned with the attempted resolution of unfinished business .
28 The concept of parental rights in education could be said to be concerned with the ability of parents to extend the control they are able to exert within the family to their child 's formal education , thus protecting their ‘ interest ’ in the child .
29 What is wrong , however , is the comparison which places universities at the top because they are thought to be concerned with the abstract and academic , polytechnics below , because of their more technological emphasis ( which is itself , as often as not , a myth ) , and which deems schools to be worth considering only if they are seen as primarily devoted to academic ‘ standards ’ , imposed from above by the universities themselves .
30 Together these viewpoints have distorted the development of English education at the expense of a balanced provision in a system which could be expected to be concerned with the broad world of personal development , preparation for employment and providing for economic and community need , both local and national .
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