Example sentences of "to [be] said [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the millions of words that have been written and spoken on the subject of ‘ 1992 ’ , there still appears to be much more to be said on the subject .
2 A memorandum by Thomas Cromwell in 1533 of matters to be discussed with the King includes things to be said on the departure of the Bavarian ambassador , the interrogation of a friar named Reysbye , the treatment of certain other friars who had been in contact with Rome , the folding of cloth in the north of England , the offer made to the King by the executors of Lord Dacre of the South in an important test case , and the affairs of a reputed idiot named Ralph Francis .
3 Unfortunately the government is assuming that 's all we are doing so they 're cutting housing subsidy accordingly and we would have been left with no choice , that 's all there is to be said on the matter .
4 Whether to mystify me once more or because there was no more to be said to a stranger , I could n't tell .
5 THERE is something to be said for a government creating horrible problems for itself .
6 On the other hand , there is not much to be said for a speciality in women 's media because the field is too broad and general .
7 Finally , there may be something to be said for a non-exhaustive list of situations in which consent will be negatived .
8 The soft woods ; pine , spruce or larch are rather vulgar ; but there is something to be said for a really old vintage larch root .
9 Although , since she 'd once experienced the so-called ‘ real thing ’ — a wild , tempestuous tide of overwhelming emotion and desire , which had brought her nothing but misery and unhappiness — well , maybe there was something to be said for a warm , calm and friendly relationship … ?
10 I said there 's a lot to be said for a chap that you inside out know his ways and how to cope with them but never ever put yourself at his mercy by marrying him .
11 Oh he adores her , oh yes he wants her back , and I said , she said , I , you see , I know him , I said there 's a lot to be said for a chap that you know inside , know his ways and know how to cope with them , but I said never ever put yourself at his mercy , I 'm marrying him , and the house will be hers , you see , when there properly divorced it 'll be in her name so if he starts coming the old soldier , she can bung him out .
12 There is much to be said for an extension of the mental element in rape to cover this type of case , and it may be that this was the Committee 's intention .
13 There 's a lot to be said for an up-market Scottish education but in retrospect you can come away with some pernicious ideas , particularly the idea that thought is superior to action .
14 The UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd , however , said on Dec. 17 after a meeting of NATO foreign ministers [ see pp. 37931 ] that " I do n't think there is much to be said for an entirely separate meeting " .
15 There is something to be said for an industry ombudsman , who would certainly command greater respect than the in-house prefects appointed by some proprietors .
16 The envoy pleaded that there was much to be said for the Duke , to which Gustavus replied that there was much to be said for lice by those who cared for them .
17 There is something , at least , to be said for the old order : ‘ Educational injustice enabled people to preserve their illusions , inequality of opportunity fostered the myth of human equality . ’
18 ‘ There 's a lot to be said for the barn method .
19 Admittedly there is a lot to be said for the species itself , but it is hard not to fall for I. aquifolium ‘ Bacciflava ’ because the berries are a cheerful shade of yellow .
20 There 's a lot to be said for the saying ‘ You are what you eat ’ .
21 There 's a lot to be said for the modern falconry centres — anything that helps people to appreciate birds of prey is a good thing as far as I 'm concerned — although it 's a shame they have to be turned into tourist attractions .
22 This meant a lot of work with the Treasury solicitor 's office ; but it did mean that the commissioner had to write the report and not us , so there was something to be said for the arrangement .
23 Eighteenth-century politics have long had an unsavoury reputation , and although in the case of Scotland much of that reputation can be traced to the persuasive , but not strictly accurate , writings of Henry Cockburn and other Whig reformers of the early nineteenth century , it must be conceded at the outset that there is something to be said for the received account .
24 In instrumental terms there is much to be said for the informal approach .
25 Staughton J. thought there was ‘ a good deal to be said for the argument of agency ’ .
26 There is perhaps something to be said for the continued use of the term student from the motives that led the Greeks to call the Furies the Eumenides , " the kindly ones ' , in the hope that the use of a flattering name might induce them to live up to it .
27 Nevertheless , there may be something to be said for the notion of denunciation .
28 While there may be much to be said for the views expressed in this passage it seems to me with all respect to Wilson J. that she was stating what she thought the law ought to be rather than what it is .
29 There is in theory a good deal to be said for the submission of Professor Birks in his Introduction to the Law of Restitution ( 1985 ) , p. 295 , that a payer should be able to recover payments demanded ultra vires by a public authority on the sole ground that retention of such payment would infringe the principle of ‘ no taxation without Parliament ’ enshrined in the Bill of Rights .
30 From the point of view of policy , therefore , there is much to be said for the view that no independent tort is committed when all that is threatened , in the two-party situation , is a breach of contract , though there is not very much authority for such a proposition .
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