Example sentences of "to [be] said [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Central heating that works , freedom from rising damp , falling gutters , and dry rot : there 's a lot to be said to buying a new house .
2 3.8.2 with effect from the Possession Date pay and indemnify the Landlord against all rates taxes assessments duties charges impositions and outgoings from time to time charged upon the Premises or the owner or occupier of them Although unlikely to have such a constriction placed on it , there is something to be said for inserting a similar exclusion into this clause to that inserted in clause 5.2.1 of the lease .
3 There 's something to be said for experiencing bad things and coming back and doing the business .
4 The states which made it up can be classified in several ways , but there is much to be said for distinguishing European states which had already existed in 1815 from those which had come into existence later .
5 While this ambiguity worried socialist doctrinaires , there was something to be said for leaving the question open , since nobody actually knew how capitalism would respond in practice to a determined reforming government , and meanwhile the ambiguity would tend to maximize the breadth of support for the programme .
6 In a less than perfect world it is inevitable that government authorities will sometimes act illegally , and there may be a lot to be said for bringing the ‘ loss distribution ’ insights of modern tort theory to bear on the way we perceive public law compensation .
7 However , unless the rent review is to be conducted in accordance with a prescribed timetable , there is much to be said for dispensing with notices , and removing a fertile source of potential dispute .
8 Unless , therefore , we decide to resist the proposal , however strong may be its supporters in the House of Commons , there is much to be said for taking the initiative and inserting in the Bill , as introduced , a clause for the abolition of the death penalty .
9 There was a lot to be said for knowing your place if you wanted help from Bloomsbury House .
10 There may , after all , be something to be said for allowing the communes to retain their sales taxes , which at present account for about 60 per cent of their revenues .
11 Dixon J ( one of the most powerful judges to have graced the Australian bench ) , however , regarded s.4 bluntly as ‘ a restriction upon British parliamentary supremacy of the law ’ , ( ‘ The Law and the Constitution ’ , ( 1935 ) 51 LQR 611 ) , and there is much to be said for preferring his view .
12 In these circumstances there was much to be said for sticking to forms that were known and accepted ; and in spite of the great list of possible wordings in PS , the Digest does not give the impression that the more obscure terms were much used .
13 There is often much to be said for trying to sort the matter out by pursuing your rights under your company 's grievance procedure .
14 Yes , but I think there is something to be said for communicating this in a different way .
15 There is much to be said for moving away from total government ownership .
16 As marriage partners view themselves with regard to the prospect of being loved there is something to be said for considering the phileo model .
17 No doubt there is something to be said for beginning this task all over again , and for using a new technique for the purpose .
18 With the domestic revolution of the past three decades , our family emotions have certainly thawed , but there is still something to be said for resisting the tendency to involve children in every aspect of the parental life .
19 There is nothing to be said for propounding the philosophy of history if you do not know the date of the Battle of Waterloo .
20 While an experienced teacher might start by working with the whole class , drawing the more reluctant children into the drama through the excitement of the drama itself , full of dramatic tension , rich in imagery , there 's much to be said for working in the classroom with small groups .
21 However , there is a good deal to be said for joining a society whose background is strange to you , or with whose aims you are not familiar or not in sympathy .
22 This year 's income may be a poor indicator of a household 's true economic spending power , and there is something to be said for basing the tax assessment on property values .
23 There 's a lot to be said for making the trench in autumn , chucking in household waste all winter and replacing the soil in spring .
24 If you have to borrow , there is everything to be said for doing it cheaply .
25 Perhaps after all there was much to be said for remaining independent , carving out your own orbit .
26 On the other hand , since the early periods of history involve greater use of material evidence ( artefacts , archaeology , and so on ) , rather than written evidence , there is a lot to be said for tackling this in year 3 , when the child 's reading abilities are limited .
27 There is much to be said for continuing the practice of reading to children right through the later primary years , letting them hear the cadences of book language and , where possible , letting them follow the text as well .
28 There is much to be said for interpreting a modality such as ‘ when he reaches the age of sixteen ’ as a condition rather than a term .
29 To go back a little , there is much to be said for spending six months to a year ( a small-minded regulation forbids any longer time ) in a solicitor 's office before pupillage .
30 That what I say there 's a lot to be said for going gracefully
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