Example sentences of "to [be] looking [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Their two children are beside their parents , and all four appear to be looking up into Heaven .
2 Things seemed to be looking up at last , ’ she says .
3 One gets the impression that two gentlemen concerned are very enthusiastic Europeans , seem to be looking inwardly at Europe .
4 Martyn Goff could not help noticing that most of Minton 's young men tended to play listening , attendant roles ; they seemed to be looking uneasily over their shoulders as if aware that they did not really belong .
5 You never thought of O as someone who was with people or who went home with people , and he never seemed to be looking round for someone all the time , which is how most of us must have appeared .
6 It seems to be looking straight at me , its knuckled legs poised , tense , waiting I know for one false move from me to trigger it into an electrifying spring … straight at me .
7 He seemed to single out Marion , to be looking straight at her .
8 The Clinton administration is said to be looking again at the tangible objectives underlying the federal government 's support for research ( see page 776 ) , while the British government , in the shape of the Department of Trade and Industry , is seeking a more direct ( if a more avuncular than the American ) role in fostering industrial competitiveness .
9 As the budget looms , the chancellor seems to be looking again at the feasibility of raising money for the government , by ending the tax relief on mortgages of up to thirty thousand pounds .
10 ‘ The injury has come at a time when I would love to be looking forward to making my home debut against Forest .
11 ‘ But you seemed to be looking forward to the break , so I decided not to disappoint you . ’
12 You seem to be looking outside for a solution .
13 When she signed her first big contract , Marilyn reputedly said , ‘ That 's the last cock I 'll have to suck ’ , though at the same time she seemed to be looking around for greater conquests .
14 One finds reassurance in foreign examples if one looks for it : but ought we not to be looking more for stimulus ?
15 Thinking of , for example , those summer vacation sessions you used to have with the Berlin players in Saint-Moritz in the 1960s and '70s , I am sure one day people are going to be looking back to all this as some great Golden Age that has now gone for good .
16 Believers then follow the practice of the person who stubs his foot on a stone and looks upwards with the cry , ‘ Oh God ! ’ as if hoping for some sympathetic supernatural spectator to be looking down on what is happening .
17 I talked them into it because at first they were scared , one because they thought they 'd get docked for it — but they said we could have half a day off for it and not get docked — and also because they thought Ros and Maureen were going to be looking down on them , " Oh , you 're only young girls ' , things like that .
18 We do need to be looking essentially about budget of two million pounds erm for this particular er Committee .
19 We were able to help him … we can see their house from our bedroom and we just happened to be looking out of the window at the time , do n't you know . ’
20 I shall have to be looking out for a second hand bike-y just for the occasional trip into town without getting Stuey out of bed so I be a bit more independent than just bothering you all time , if I just wan na pop anywhere .
21 There are so many things you 've got to be looking out for in those
22 Janice looks ashen with worry , and does n't see me although she appears to be looking hardest of all .
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