Example sentences of "in mind a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By contrast we have in mind a unit for which , not by which , strategy is formulated .
2 This seems to take the issue too far since Oakeshott clearly has in mind a sense of purpose which imposes a relatively specific objective on individuals .
3 A cartoon in the New York Times in April 1950 showed a sailor in a tattooing parlour , saying " I have in mind a couple of lines by T. S. Eliot " .
4 It is tempting to believe that in this story Poe may have had in mind a case of premature burial , in which the principal figure was the mother of his patron , John L. O'Sullivan .
5 Thus , when he says that changes are ‘ overdetermined ’ he has in mind a variety of factors , some more nearly connected than others , which all contribute to a single outcome .
6 Whether he had in mind a reduction in the Royalty , or perhaps a contribution towards the cost of the trials , is not clear .
7 M. Chaillot had in mind a production of a new translation of Twelfth Night .
8 The idea of citizenship itself had a special status during the late Victorian and Edwardian periods as politicians , philosophers , educationalists , and social scientists were continually calling for a revival of the concept , by which they had in mind a form of social organization stressing harmony , duty , service , self-realization , rationality , and morally good behaviour .
9 Got any views on that because er bear in mind a lot of the towns and even some of the villages in North Yorkshire have a a problem with drug taking now er that the police are quite concerned about it .
10 Well bear in mind a lot of them were very old ones and there are
11 Brentano evidently has in mind a relation between something not explicitly mentioned , that which is active , and , on the other hand , contents and objects .
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