Example sentences of "in reply to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In reply to the question as to whether Nigel could have used the Datsun , Morrison could n't say .
2 I 'd like to say that in reply to the question your Mr will see that we are arranging a meeting to discuss the issues of youth facilities in erm the Netherhall area .
3 It says this is in reply to the government 's decision to impose VAT on electricity .
4 Mr. Ian Hunter , Secretary General of the Association of Optometrists , wrote in reply to the Minister 's letter : ’ To restart national health service eye examinations for the over 60s would now cost about £25 million but the cost for not doing so will be two or three times as much because eye disease will remain undetected until treatment is less effective and more expensive .
5 In reply to the enquiry asking if there was any order , draft order or scheme for the construction of a new trunk road or special road or any proposals for the alteration or improvement of an existing road involving the construction , whether or not within existing highway limits within 200 metres of the property or construction of a new road or alteration or improvement of an existing road the Council stated no but the County Council intend to improve the Dane Street/Station Road within the next 10 years .
6 That evening , while the Prime Minister waited at No. 10 for a telegram from the New York bankers in reply to the Cabinet 's inquiry , the King had a single guest to dine .
7 In reply to the Vice-Chancellor 's words of thanks , Michael coupled his toast to the future prosperity of the University with his wish for a successful launch of the Campaign for Resource .
8 Sir , — I write in reply to the letter , ‘ Fox Control ’ .
9 Sir , — In reply to the letter headed Ugly anti-hunt shock tactics , may I say that the aim of the Surrey Wildlife Protection Group is to enlighten the public to the true facts , by displaying posters and handing out leaflets .
10 IN reply to the letter from the carer whose son is ‘ mentally retarded ’ ( March 16th ) , you rightly point out that there are no easy solutions .
11 So er can I suggest that we actually ask the the Recreation Ground Committee to look at these problems over the er I do n't think there are any significant problems actually after the , after the Easter weekend fortunately , but just to have er in reply to the city football club , because they are concerned , and have been I have to say for many years , so it 's not unusual .
12 In reply to the Commission 's consultation paper on the relationship between fiduciary duties and regulatory rules , the Institute points out that while the Securities and Investments Board 's rules recognise Chinese walls , the exemption does not apply to firms authorised by a recognised professional body .
13 One monk noted in reply to the Commission 's enquiries that religious communities probably owe to music more of their spirituality than they will ever know .
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