Example sentences of "in practice a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Estimates of the useful lives of plant and equipment can not be made with precision and in practice a range of lives exist .
2 In practice a question to the defendant on the lines of ‘ Is there any reason why you are n't wearing your seat belt ? would cater for the cases where he or the vehicle is exempt .
3 The court , in practice a Master of the Queen 's Bench Division , can make an appropriate order to give effect to the request underlying the application .
4 In practice a combination of teaching methods and media can be expected to provide the best basis for programmes of library user education , different methods being adapted to different parts of the programme and to the teachers and students concerned .
5 Nevertheless in theory and to some extent in practice a programme of very far-reaching change was carried out ; and this was achieved in one of the most intellectually backward and undeveloped areas in Western Europe .
6 If warranties are allowed to run until completion ( see section 0702.5 ) then there will be in practice a period of risk without reward .
7 In practice a set of objectives like these would be written for a series of teaching sessions for a specific student or group and may be varied to suit their experience and needs .
8 In practice a resolution of 0·02 eV ( 20 meV ) is attainable with a relatively simple design using UV sources , and this is adequate to show vibrational features ( characteristically ∼ 0·1 eV ) .
9 In practice a lot of shops will accept that .
10 or 10,000 MN/m2 but in practice a crystal of really pure iron shears at about 3,000 p.s.i .
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