Example sentences of "in effect [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As a leading writer put it , after casting doubts on the appropriateness of the philosopher 's imagery , just because his answer was probably the right one it was in effect no answer at all .
2 He had acquired in effect a veto over all grants or sales of land to the church , but it was against his political and financial interests to enforce this ban .
3 While the norm was in effect a type of seduction poem , in which sexual love is frustrated and unrealized , Shakespeare drops that whole area of human behaviour yet shows that love-poetry is still possible — only a new kind of love .
4 No one can predict the future of boxing , either at the level of particular victories or defeats , in effect a structure of repetition , nor at the more general level of possible modifications or developments of the sport .
5 Of course if such an appeal is in effect a way of jettisoning the unexplained clause and opening the door to an explanation in terms of some other theory — say , a theory of relations — then it may turn out in the end to have been a step forward , but no credit can be claimed for the step until a reasonably clear , comprehensive , and persuasive account of the alternative theory has been presented .
6 Yavlinsky had first outlined his ideas — in effect a revival of the 1990 Shatalin " 500 day " plan [ see p. 37722 ] of which he was one of the authors — at a G-7 conference in Washington in April .
7 According to the US consul in Saigon , three and a half of these four statements were completely false but , in fact , not only may Under-Secretary of State Dean Acheson have offered the ‘ good offices ’ of the US ( as they were to be offered in Indonesia ) but there was also at the same time in effect a plea from Moffat , then in Singapore , that for various reasons the US should intervene .
8 With a revised scale for its deficiency payments , in effect a reduction of 50% grant-aid to WEA classes in the county , the LEA with only marginally increased costs was seen to be acceding to public demand for continuity and simultaneously responding to the recommendation of the Carnegie Trustees .
9 The first arose from the government 's decision to impose a standstill grant for that year — in effect a reduction in the District 's planned programme in the 1952–53 session at a time when much patient work to gain support from trade union branches and members had succeeded particularly in Norwich and Northamptonshire .
10 In March 1265 , when he renewed his oath of fealty to the king ( then in effect a captive in Montfort 's power ) he made clear ‘ before the people ’ that his loyalty was highly conditional : ‘ For as long as you will be a good lord and king to us , ’ he told Henry III , ‘ we will be faithful and devoted to you . ’
11 Therefore voluntary aided schools are in effect a kind of partnership : the premises are provided and to an extent kept up by the religious or other body which established them whilst the cost of running the schools is borne by the public purse .
12 If our ideological preconceptions incline us to an exclusive interest in standard English , we will produce what is in effect a history of literary English ; this will exclude and neglect other historical patterns that are capable of enriching our description of the history of spoken English and , ultimately , of adding to our understanding of the general phenomenon of linguistic change .
13 In 1987 the Commission of the European Community produced its Green Paper on Telecommunications , this was in effect a continuation of the policies already emerging in France and Germany .
14 More important in this connection , however , was the Via Egnatia , which was in effect a continuation of the Via Apiae ( Appian Way ) .
15 And while he acknowledged the losses of the ‘ cult of personality ’ period , he insisted ( in an address to the French Communist Party ) that ‘ not a year ’ had been lost in the process of socialist construction — in effect a defence of the Brezhnev as well as Stalinist years .
16 He also outlined what action the duke should take , providing what was in effect a blueprint for events at Stony Stratford .
17 He also outlined what action the duke should take , providing what was in effect a blueprint for events at Stony Stratford .
18 In other words , so long as the campaign was in effect a referendum on the Government 's performance , Labour won .
19 In what was in effect a digression from the main study , Cox , a colleague of Terman , conducted a ‘ historiometric ’ analysis of the mental traits of 301 carefully selected individuals , living between 1450 and 1850 , who could be recognised as of outstanding genius .
20 The largest conventional university is the University of London ( in effect a federation of largely independent colleges ) , which has over 40,000 students , followed a long way behind by the Universities of Wales , Oxford , Cambridge , Leeds and Manchester , each of which have over 10,000 students .
21 This fact , along with the 1947 Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance ( in effect a restatement of the principles behind the Monroe Doctrine ) , confirmed that , in the context of Moscow 's then rigid categorisation of the world into ‘ capitalist ’ or ‘ Communist ’ , the Latin American nations were firmly entrenched in the capitalist camp .
22 Soon after the return of the Beagle , when he was still seeking for a mechanism for evolution , he began a series of notebooks , the M and N notebooks , which are in effect a search for a materialist theory of psychology : they are concerned with anything — for example , the effects of drugs , of ageing — which suggests that thoughts are influenced by the state of the brain .
23 It sets out clearly principles for their care and upbringing , and is in effect a charter for children .
24 In effect a miscarriage of a pregnancy that was never a real pregnancy .
25 By the end of the war Winnicott had left the actual practice of physical paediatrics behind , his outpatient clinic at Paddington Green becoming in effect a department of child psychiatry based on psychodynamic theory and on his particular way of using it .
26 There is one early form of patronage which is in effect a modulation of the earlier situation of the instituted artist , in altered social conditions .
27 Apparently the intention of the testator is to remit a debt , so this is in effect a bequest of liberatio .
28 And we feel that both of those policies combine to establish what is in effect a presumption against erm any form of significant employment development away from the the county 's main settlements .
29 These two sequences are connected by the ‘ genetic code ’ , which is in effect a listing of which groups of bases specify which amino acids .
30 This was the case in Russia , where Peter I , in the face of great hostility and obstruction , succeeded in forcing the privileged landowning class to become in effect a group of hereditary State servants ( see p. 51 ) .
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