Example sentences of "in britain [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The point they are making is that , for the most part , people still vote more for political parties in Britain than for the individual candidate .
2 In defence of their economic record , government spokesmen have claimed that from the second quarter of 1983 the numbers in employment increased and that more jobs were being created in Britain than in the rest of the EEC states taken together .
3 Although income was more equally distributed among older people in Britain than in the other six nations , this emphasises the more universal impact of age discrimination in this country as well as its greater penalty .
4 Pay for leading art-historians has always been lower in Britain than in the United States , but the brain drain has got worse .
5 Such radical criticism appears to have gained less support in Britain than in the US and I would suggest that the NHS is largely responsible for this .
6 ( It was published later in Britain than in the United States . )
7 The degrees will be recognised by the General Medical Council in Britain but on a limited registration basis .
8 Something of this split may also be observed in Britain but to a lesser extent because of the collective responsibility of the Cabinet and party control of the assembly .
9 Those four orientations can usefully be employed to help understand and explain attitudes not just toward political opposition in Britain but to the political culture as a whole .
10 Everyone else appeared to love it , not just in Britain but throughout the English-speaking world .
11 The number of people to whom he is a friend , if not because he has met them but because they know of the good works that he has done not only in Britain but throughout the world , must run into many hundreds of thousands .
12 They 're all characters from Britain 's longest running Soap Opera , the Archers : a nightly addiction for hundreds of thousands of people not only in Britain but throughout the world .
13 Our panel this month included Paul Boutinot of Paul Boutinot Wines the north 's leading shipper , who trotted out some wines form his own stable of Champagne look-alikes ; Bill Towers who must be unique in Britain because as a sheep farmer in the Lake District he runs a very successful wine merchants out of one of the barns on his farm .
14 Over the 1950s , for example , large amounts of US capital were invested in Britain because of the wide productivity gap which existed between the economies .
15 Four out of every five of the jobs that have been lost in the European Community in the past year have been lost in Britain because of the right hon. Gentleman 's policies .
16 Party spokesperson Sara Parkin said that the growth of the Green Party had been slow in Britain because of the absence of proportional representation and some form of public funding .
17 The gutter press and the entertainment industry do not yet exist here in the way they do in Britain or in the United States .
18 During the 1980s , when allegations of satanic ritual abuse multiplied , as has been stated , not one single case was backed by any forensic evidence , either in Britain or in the United States .
19 Nevertheless the loan was not well received either in Britain or in the United States .
20 The 1948 British Nationality Act renamed them Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies ( CUKCs ) , but the people of Hong Kong retained their right of abode in Britain and during the 1950's were positively encouraged to go to the ‘ Mother Country ’ to fill job vacancies .
21 Are professionals within our authority in close touch with their colleagues elsewhere , both in Britain and across the Community ?
22 Because of the impact of Socialism in power in Britain and of the welfare state during Attlee 's post-war government , Maurice attained a celebrity not known since his death eighty years before .
23 The reasons for the brutality and racism which are displayed every day at the ports of entry in Britain and at the British High Commissions in the Indian subcontinent are the laws themselves — laws which are seen as essential to wider government policy and which though blatantly racist ( in fact they would not stand up before the Race Relations Act ) were each introduced as a contribution to good community relations .
24 Given these assertions , it is easy to see that one reason for the neglect of Freud by sociologists , especially in Britain and to a lesser extent in the United States , is as much due to the fact that intellectual fashions have changed as to anything intrinsic to Freud 's theory .
25 The same manifesto committed a Labour Government to preventing the siting of cruise missiles in Britain and to the removal of any that were then in place .
26 The underwater connection of King Pot , in East Kingsdale , and Keld Head , in West Kingsdale , and the subsequent through dive , is a significant landmark in the history of underwater cave exploration in Britain and on a world scale .
27 Irish beef processors are being encouraged to set up finishing plants in Britain and on the Continent .
28 Because the Girls in Britain and on the Continent hardly saw him , it was a case of absence making the heart beat faster .
29 He contributed heavily from his family wealth to this Church , and also to many other organisations for deaf children and adults both in Britain and on the continent of Europe ; he had a special interest in the deaf people of Ireland , and was the first President of the National Deaf and Dumb Society , forerunner of the British Deaf Association .
30 Tough action by police and customs in Britain and on the continent has smashed some of the biggest illicit labs , which can earn up to £250,000 a day .
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