Example sentences of "in a residential [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 One of George 's brothers was recently placed in a residential school for children with moderate learning difficulties as a weekly boarder .
2 The EP wrote in a memorandum to the LEA : ‘ I feel that George would benefit from placement in a residential school for pupils with emotional and behavioural problems .
3 A former social work student , after completing her training , went to work in a residential unit for adolescents .
4 According to the assessments of relatives , friends , and neighbours who answered the questions , the quality of life of people who had been in a residential home for a year or more before their death was similar to that of others who died but had never been in such a home .
5 The proportions reported to have had difficulty with various aspects of caring for themselves ( getting in and out of a bath or shower , dressing and undressing , going to the toilet , washing and shaving , feeding themselves , making a hot drink , or needing help at night ) for a year or more before death was 87 per cent of those who had been in a residential home for a year or more , 60 per cent of those in for a shorter time and 25 per cent of those who had not been in such a home at all .
6 Among this older group 46 per cent of those who had been in a residential home for a year or more were admitted , 75 per cent of the others .
7 There were similar differences when people dying of respiratory disease and of cerebrovascular accident were considered separately : the proportions admitted to hospital were 25 per cent and 47 per cent of those in a residential home for a year or more , 76 per cent and 89 per cent of others among the two causes of death groups respectively .
8 The other factor that was related to assessments of quality of life was whether people had been in a residential home for a year or more or for a shorter time .
9 Most people in a residential home for the elderly are in their eighties .
10 Arrangements were made for the deceased to take up residence in a residential home for the elderly known as Samuel Saye House , owned and managed by a Mr. and Mrs. Tinker .
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